Hello. I am making a personal custom faction, together with a fighter-surveyer ship start.
I had some problem to successfully creating the ship in the real game. Here is what I've tried; I made template and design, added my ship on StaticShipBlueprintDefs,ShipClassDefs, tweaked a startingship ability on AbilityDefs to grant ship & added names and description on several ***Text.xml. And I get no ships when the game starts.
It is weird, at least to me, since when I use pre-provided "ScoutStaticBlueprint" with any other things same, I normally get the exact ship what I customized(both appearance and components). Though I can at least use the ship in-game, so it seemed satisfactory.
Unfortunately, I met this problem again since I want to add a "custom drone" on my startingship. Since their are 4 rooms (assault interceptor escort guardian) for drone in FactionShipStyleSetDefs and currently using only 3(except escort), I placed my drone class between <InitialEscortFighter> and <\InitialEscortFighter>. Then I designed drone & etc, oops. I have the same problem again because I added a 'new' staticshipblueprint. I don't want to replace drone design again this time, because the three drones are already have their positions in GalCiv3.
So...Here's my question: How can I assign new 'static' ship design and put it in my game? I don't get which step that I missed, so Step-by-Step would be so appreciated. Thanks.