It's always my default position that the intent and tone of any message is primarily the responsibility of the sender and less so the receivers. I can only assume that my blunt ask, and its brevity, contributed to you feeling as you do as I cannot find any content in my reply that would have you with such a negative opinion.
Along with an apology, allow me to expound:
On another note, I work in IT and am often forced to be customer-facing
Then I would suspect you know the work ahead of you when you get a somewhat generic 'it doesn't work' starters from clients - that questions needed to be asked and illustrations produced.
If you (anyone) can show me that something does not work - better if I\we can readily reproduce it - I will gladly present it to devs. It's my responsibility, one I take personal satisfaction from truth be told, to present a vetted client issue to the devs that have them with a clear case of something not working and a possible remedy.
What I cant do is pass on 'it doesn't work'.
You also said this:
PS - I'm using Fences 2 and have the folder that the portal is pointing at set to "Details" view.
Fences 2 has not been offered or supported for over 7 years. It's why I asked for reproduction on Fences 3. If you are indeed still using Fences 2, there is nothing I can do to help with issues using it.
What is a valid ask (and what this thread morphed into) is to somehow have a Fences feature that overrides how Windows explorer works by default - to set a view state in one folder portal and have it replicated for every navigation in said portal. This is also a common ask for Windows Explorer itself:
What we cannot reproduce, and what I asked you (anyone) to show, is that once a particular folder view is set in a Fences folder portal folder (not every sub or parrent), that it fails to maintain that set state.
I hope that is a more satisfactory answer and do hope you install Fences 3 (trial if you like) and see if you can still reproduce your issue.
Sean Drohan
Stardock Support Manager