Perhaps the more pertinent question is "Why am I having system crashes?".
That is a pretty ridiculous answer from a support department
Actually, it isn't.
There's something wrong with your computer: Stable, updated systems don't crash.
I bet when you solve the problem of crashes, your Object Dock problem gets mysteriously solved, as well.
I'll have to disagree with you on that point - I've been in software, and working in Windows environments, for long enough to know how frequently Windows systems of various stripes BSOD; it happens often enough that the frequency with which it happens on my systems does not surprise me.
It is likely NOT system instability CAUSING ObjectDock to lose its settings - for that to happen without it being the fault of ObjectDock's design, then I likely would be seeing the cause be corruption of the ObjectDock .init file itself, triggering ObjectDock to recover as best it can. And if this were true, then I'd be seeing one or all of the below:
1. Disk corruption elsewhere on my system
2. Corruption in regularly accessed files of other sorts
3. Outright driver and system code failures
4. More frequent crashes than the very infrequent ones I've seen.
5. All-out system flakiness on a regular basis
... since the above does not happen, and the only thing on the entire system that "goes bad" after a crash is the content of ObjectDock's .ini file, that seems terribly suspicious to me. Were I assigned to debug this problem, as a developer, I would be looking at the ObjectDock code to see when it attempts to write to the .ini file:
1. Does it do it after any crash?
2. Does it do it if it was in a certain state during a crash?
3. Is it constantly attempting to update the .init file without making a backup during the update, thus causing corruption itself in the case of a system crash?
These are all important questions; and the fact that ObjectDock is the ONLY thing that gets broken after a crash means, to me, that something in ObjectDock's design is at fault.
If you have a better theory with some details involved, please let me know.