We used to have a lot of skinners but some quit as it conflicted with real life, some quit because they got pissed and some quit because it started getting harder as the OS's progressed.
I fall into the pissed off category. Although there are other contributing factors the main one is this.
I made the attempt to stay with the program by purchasing WB/SKS10, only to find out that the program I use the most was no longer skinable (PSP7). It wasn't broken and could have remained within the program but it was just tossed. I sniveled about this and was told to basically "get over it". I did just that by removing myself from the mix. I still skin as it is a hobby but I won't share anymore. You refuse to support my needs so I refuse to support you.
As far as masterskinners selling blinds, that is their option. They do deserve the right to do this and have worked hard to achieve this level.
Rather than complaining, maybe learn to skin. DaveBax is a good source to request help from (sorry Dave), but mostly it is trail, error and fix. It's not something that's learned over night. I've been skinning for more than a decade and learn new things almost daily.
I'm in my 70's. Anyone want to be my Apprentice. LOL.
I'll be at that age in January, good to hear that I'm not the oldest.