This tool was requested so I thought I would share it.
It doesn't do much apart from allow you to change the tech costs of all trees by x amount is seconds.
You can also specify tech cost increase by Tech age.
You can also use it to mod other peoples mods, so if you have a favourite mod but want the tech costs changed for a longer (or shorter) game, just run this tool.
As long as the tech trees don't get a major overall it should be compatible with all versions.
old version
I am also working on a Tech tree viewer / editor.
New Version
See nexus link below.
Renamed to Tech Cost Modifier.
Workaround for some techs that have missing tech age options.
Process file list
Drag and drop support to process lists
Remove unwanted techs from process list.
Ability to zero tech costs by tech age. Game play not tested.
Added to nexus Mods