This post: (Win10 64bit) - None of the "User Icon Frames" or "User Icon Backgrounds" defined in the WB's are displaying around/behind the Start Menu User Icons, regardless of which Start10 style is selected (Win7/Modern/Win10). Consistently get a (rather nice) semi-transparent light frame on the Win7 and Modern styles.
looks like it says transparency in window title bars works. I have tried both, and the Acrylic style, which all preview with transparent title bars. However when I click on Apply style or the ... button next to it ht greys out for over a minute, looks like something is happening, but when it stops nothing happens, not even the title bar style changes. FWIW this only works once, there is no response until I restart and start the program again. Then I can reapply the skin, but it still does nothing. Am I doing something wrong? Current Win 10 release with all updates, also running Start 10. I've tried Winaero tewaker (latest build) enable Aero Lite, and the registry hacks for getting Winaero lite back. None of them work.