Can you associate my STEAM purchase with this account? Same email address for Steam.
Also don'thave my Elite Founder's badge for Gal Civ 3 either...
Thank you.
JHSPerc - I don't see Ashes on your Stardock account. Your GC3 Badge should show on the regular Stardock forums or the GC3 forums.
The Founders editions were only available on our store before it was available on Steam. If you purchased from Steam, then it would not be a Founders edition.
For some reason, my GalCiv III and ashes badges do not show up, but they do show up on the stardock forums.
Your GC3 badge shows up but your Ashes purchase is not on your account.
Strange. When I go to, "Ashes of the Singularity Founder's Lifetime Edition" shows under My Downloads, and I use the same email to login.
badge test...
Nope, mine isn't showing either.
I don't see Ashes of the Singularity on this account.
I'm getting you taken care of right now, I see the purchase, my mistake.
I don't see Ashes on your account. Are you sure you have the right one? Feel free to PM me your information, email address or order # so I can check it out.
Yay! Thank you.
Test again!
Hmmm....testy test....
I'm sending your's off to be fixed.
I don't see the game on your account currently. Do you have another account?
I registered through steam under my id jetkar
Did you purchase Ashes before Early Access?
I purchased it at time of Early Access if that helps
Sorry to say, unless you had purchased the Founders edition, you would not have a badge.
Lol I wish I had now .....not to worry
Try logging in using your other username. I've sent you a PM about it.
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