I'm now forced to stay on Windows 8 until they release WB. Well, not forced however I am paying for a package from Stardock MAINLY for WB. Microsoft has been pinging me with the "Upgrades are available for a limited time". I'm probably going to be canceling since Stardock doesn't seem to have any idea about how to do this conversion. And apparently don't mind letting their customers suffer and wait. Not informing your customers about what's going on is not really a good solution. As a software engineer myself I feel it is VERY important to keep your PAYING customers informed so they stay loyal. Otherwise they may switch to an alternative. Gosh I wonder if there might be an alternative out there to WB. Maybe I'll check....
You are aware MS Windows 10 upgrade is available until July 2016? That is a limited time, but not as limited as they want you to think.
As is posted elsewhere in this thread, we expect the beta of WB10 to make it out in the next few weeks. The bulk of the rest of the ObjectDesktop package is Windows 10 supporting, but WB has taken longer as it is a much more complicated product and unfortunately other updates have taken time away from it.