Since July 10th has come and gone with no Dev Stream for GalCiv 3, I was unable to get some key questions answered. I will post them here:
1) Did Paul and lovely wife enjoy their Alaskan cruise over Stardock break?
2) Since there was no Dev stream, has Paul actually returned from said cruise or has he decided to live in Alaska permanently, build a cabin in the wilderness and sustain himself by mining for gold? (asking for a friend who works at Firaxis)
3) Did Paul and lovely wife truly have an unplugged-from-Stardock trip or did Paul sneak a work laptop aboard like so much contraband?
4) Was there any moose hunting involved?
4a) If yes, how were the steaks?
4b) If no, you should have gone moose hunting...because, steaks.
5) On said cruise ship was there a casino and, if so, did you bet everything on black?
5a) If you did win, was it enough to buy me a Founders badge? (hey, never hurts to ask)
6) Is there any ice left in Alaska, snow or otherwise? Please see this thread for rationalization:
7) When you came home, did Maggie greet you like you had been gone for 10 years?
That's all I got.
I hope you guys had a great time.