Hey everyone,
I was wondering if anyone had taken a crack at creating a Romulan Warbird in the ship designer (the original design from TNG). I've been messing around for a couple hours but I simply don't have the skill with the ship designer as many of you do.
Me too.
I might have a crack at it? but its not top of my list atm.
These are the only Romulan Warbirds I've found, If I find time I can try to make one, but I already have ships I'm designing for quite a few of my own factions.
Hope this helps a little
This is odd. I see little but Romulan Warbirds in the community. I suppose it's like they say; you only find it when you're not looking.
To be fair, I could have spent far more time searching for more as I only looked on the workshop, I just happened across this post while reading through the forums and noticed no one had answered yet
Feel free to post any others you find
There's some guy that a week or so ago pumped out literally 20 variants of romulan ships. Most were really good too!
that would be Airmaster on steam. he has the complete Romulan faction he is designing.
I did like his ships, but when I put the "Palette - A Ship Appearance Overhaul" mod on for the colors, my game crashes when starting a new game, so I took it back out. Ships look great, too bad I can't use them. [e digicons]:'([/e]
I think there is a conflict with other mods when useing the Ship Appearance overhaul.
I use these other mods:
1) Gauntlets Race Mod
2) Mobile Asteroid Processor Module
3) More Anomalies
4) Planetary Diversity
Any thoughts ????
I think it's a conflict between Gauntlets race mod and the ship appearance overhaul. I also use Gauntlets race mod.
So you saw the same problem? If so, did you find a resolution?
yes. I don't use the ship appearance overhaul mod. I am working with Airmaster about creating my own Romulan faction to use with his ships.
So both mods work together for you then, hum...
Airmaster here. I never did the TNG style Romulan ships out of respect for Omnibus's work because he had already made them a long time ago, I highly recommend getting his TNG Romulan ships, They are top quality so friend him to get access to his workshop as it is private to Friends only.
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