Here is some feedback from playing with 1.10 opt-in tonight, playing with the Yor.
- Love having the Raw Production tooltip on the Colony Screen
- Thank you for ESC closing the shipyard window
- Good to see rush prices have dropped for partially built ships.
Not so Positive:
- Yor tech tree still has duplication of Market Center in the Interaction tech tree... You first get Market Centers with researching Xeno Commerce and then 2 techs later you research Economic Efficiency which gives you only the duplicated ability to make Market Centers.
- Yor tech tree Quantum Understanding, when I look at the tooltip for the Quantum Understanding Foundation, I cannot see the name of the improvement as it scrolls up off the top of the tooltip window.
- Synthetic races can still pick bad farming and fertility when selecting race traits to get extra points to spend elsewhere.
- Synthetic races can get around the Synthetic Pop Cap by moving pop off the planet, building the extra pop, then putting the pop back on the planet on the turn when the pop is going to be built. The final turn always gets completed even if you are over cap, so if you get to the point where you can make an Assembly in one turn, you lose no production and can increase your pop as much as you want. Requires lot of micromanaging but having planets with pop over 150 is worth it.
- The shipyard screen displays the list of all ships in REVERSE order every time you first open it. Selecting a subcategory of ships puts the list back in normal order, but only until you close the screen and reopen it. The ship designer screen always displays the list in the correct order.
- Requesting immediate credits from a civ to complete a deal still results in not-a-fair-deal default amounts. (This was supposed to be fixed in previous patch per the patch notes but still occurring.)
- Colony screen tooltip for influence says that it boosts growth, but it does not for Synthetic races.
- Colony screen tooltip for population tells me in desc that I should "build growth improvements to grow more quickly" which is not how Synthetic populations "grow" faster.
- Colony screen column for influence, planet class, raw production, etc. feels a bit crowded with the addition of raw production... Perhaps get rid of planet class from that column? It doesn't really tell you anything useful and could be listed elsewhere on the screen.
- Techapod Hives list their benefit as -5% Maintenance, but it actually is only ship maintenance. At least it appears that way from the colony screen tooltip for maintenance not showing any reduction from the Hives. The tooltip does show the reduction when looking at ship maintenance costs. Maybe clarify Techapod Hives as -5% ship maintenance?
And since everyone loves typos:
- Starbase module Culture Ring: "spread your influence thought the galaxy"
- Ascension Gate description on the Yor tech tree: "alows a race ... existance"
- Yor tech tree technology Universal Displacement Filed and Univeral Integrity Filed
- Starbase module Zero G Arena "Boost theApproval and..."
- Starbase module Sector Defense Grid and Sector Defense Network "... of all near bay ships"