In my current game, on an insane map, I ran into a super-powerful race from the other side of the map. Their civilization power rating was 5x more than my own, and they were an evil race, so I guessed they would declare war pretty fast. So, right away, I threw some credits at them and signed a non-aggression treaty, figuring it would buy me 50 turns to prepare more ships.
Two turns go by and they declare war on me anyway.
Is the code for that treaty broken? Or is it working as intended that the AI can break it at will? And if it is intended for them to be capable of breaking it, what is the point of it then?
And on a similar topic, what is with the AI and refusing to pay for peace? They will come to you for a peace treaty which, if you agree to, goes into effect without the chance to ask them for anything in return. But if you go to them and ask for peace, they refuse unless you pay them off. Or if it hasn't been exactly 20 turns they won't even talk to you, even if they are losing terribly. It's just crazy.