Intro: So I had craftily smuggled 3 delicate ships deep into enemy territory, a sensor ship, a troop transport, and a starbase builder. Since none of them could defend themselves, I had them hastily circle the wagons and create a massive, well-fortified starbase in which to hide. It went so well, that the troop transport is still missing.
I can see it (with no Icon) in the shiplist. The starbase does not have the ship in the "defending fleet" window, but it DOES list a mysterious '5' logistics being consumed by nothing. I have no way of selecting it, or telling it to move, or whatever. Though it clearly did exist, and still does. I couldn't find any other similar bug/post, but I might of course have missed it.
Save file (if I got this right):
P.S. If you check this file out, please also take a look at my base Galois III, which has an equally mysterious "missing info" -50% negative income modifier. It feels like some captain set up a slush fund to go awol with his crew and defect to my enemy.
P.P.S: Awesome game guys!
Edit: So quiting/loading fixed the bug - but it still happened! I have pictures even! I'll leave the post as I'm still missing slush fund information.