I'am a very big fan of long Tech-Trees because I hate it if I have finished all the Techs in the middle of the game.
In the Beta 5.x the Tech Trees was not really long but now, through the specialisation the Trees are shorter than ever before
because its now only the "half" of the whole techs researchable
The Idea is good that you have to specialize you and can't resaurch all the techs in one game but now you are finished with all the techs after
a "couple" of turns. That reduce the fun extrem I feel so...
BTW hope you understand what I like to say because I'am not really a native english speaker
I agree that the more techs the merrier, but not to negate specialization.
I agree wholeheartedly, I've been saying this for a while.
I read in the notes somewhere Antimatter Missiles are supposed to be back in, but why oh why every time we go to the "future" do options and tech vanish?
The obvious answer to this question is that the developers decided it didn't work for some reason, and I think they keep making this stuff from scratch instead of recycling from the other game. I think they should replace something they take out with something else, so at least we have reasonable techs.
Can you be more specific. It can only help the developers if you give them ideas.
The ability to turn useless dead planets into something of value, or at least less of an eyesore?
I would like to do something with the class 0 planets.
and in a stratergy game extra strategic choices are good.
I've debated about this with myself. I do like long tech trees. I also like the idea of mutually exclusive specializations. After all... its called specialization. Though there is inconsistency in the language. A specialization seems more likely to be exclusive. An Optimization, on the other hand, need not be.
I've been fighting for this for awhile.
The tech trees will certainly grow over time with the addition of other features (like espionage, etc). But as it stands, there aren't enough techs for those playing on a larger map which generally takes more time to win. You could make research slower through the settings. However, this also changes the "feel" of the game to feel slower, rather than give the player more to do or more to decide.
I like slower maps, but I understand that you shouldn't give a fast option without having enough techs. As far as I'm concerned when a tech tree is fully researched then the game is over.
The current "specializations" aren't special, they are efficiencies and should be their own lines in the tech trees. I've been saying this for weeks, collapsing specializations aren't fun if they specializations aren't special and as that are now, they are not.
If Stardock doesn't fix this by release I plan on making my own tech trees that move the current "specializations" to their own lines, like a line for construction efficiency(-5% building costs, -10% building costs, etc), a line for building efficiency(+10% bonus to class type, etc) for example. This still reduces total number of techs so I will have to find out what else I can add in for actual specializations but I'll be happier without collapsing specializations that aren't special.
If you could give as many examples as possibile. I agree specialisations should be kind of civilizations. Like for instance the world could go with electronics, cybernetics, or genetic engineering. Could go more environmental friendly. Rights vs security. Science vs. religion. In space private vs. government owned. As far as leading the way. individualism, nationalism, or business.
Quoting Dumhed,
reply 10mmhh I think my english is simply not enough
I like the specialisation but I don't like that it makes short tech trees shorter...
simply thats it...
Actually that's how I interpreted what you said. With the only exception of differentiating between specialization and optimization.
Oh well I was anxious to play the Beta 6 but hate the tech specialization so much that I will postpone it untill there is a solution.
I don't .a gree with eliminating specialization. I think renaming to more meaningful things like religious fanatics, envinmental friendlier, cybernetics, or genetic engineering would be an example of a better setup. Hopefully other's can chime with better specialisations. I think there will need to be some of the same techs in each specialisations. Like some farmig, some morale, some weapons things like this is needed. This is a good solution. More techs are good. Picking techs to the exclusion of others is good. To sum it up I hope they keep specialization instead of you getting your way.
My custom race in GC and every other strategy game I play focuses in research, so this limitation it's a game breaker to me to the point I don't like the game like this anymore.
Actually I don't see how this affects a research race. You could interpret this to mean that would mean that yu afe better at researching than everyone else. You could mod the tech trees to include a research branch to each tech specialization. You could mod it where all the research races don't specialize. It sounds like people are working on your mod.
They made a really bad decision on this..
I disagree. I like the idea. This will probably need some tweaking as you go. Is there somewhere where we can boycott the boycotters.