From Sorcerer King 1.5 Changelog:
- Units given from quests will join you at a level that matches your progress in the game.
From Sorcerer King 1.4 Changelog:
- Fixed the continent code so the AI won't get stuck.
From Sorcerer King 1.3 Changelog:
- City projects can now be reordered by using the '<' and '>' buttons on each city project entry in the project list of the City Details Window.
- Holding the control key when clicking the [X] on city project entries bypasses the "are you sure" prompt.
From Sorcerer King 1.2 Changelog:
- Maul will no longer have a minimum chance to hit.
From Sorcerer King 1.1 Changelog:
City Upgrade: Cities can no longer upgrade onto tiles with a goodie hut, monster lair, or quest location on them → with adaptation for LH Wildlands [The AI seems to be able to bypass the Wildland ZOC when building Improvements]
Starting Sorcerer King Strongholds are no longer spawned on Quest Locations → with adaptation for LH Libraries [spawning on impassable tiles]
From Sorcerer King Beta 5.5 Changelog:
- When city levels up, or a resource improvement finishes, city hud is now updated to reflect any change in production has had on the number of turns left on the city's current project
- Scout bug fixed (Stealthy ability now works properly)
From Sorcerer King Beta 5.4 Changelog:
- More skills, upgrades, etc. immediately update stat displays and the minimap
- City arrow sound effects added (need to improve the sound though)
- Added quest music to all the starting quests
- Fixed recurring bug where pioneers were not always placed at the back of a tactical battle, where we want them to be.
- Text tweak. shards -> Shards
- Custom sovereign settings are remembered if you go back to make further modifications
From Sorcerer King Beta 5.2 Changelog:
- Fixed bug where clicking tiles near mountains would select the wrong tile
- Removed a rounding calculation...
From Sorcerer King Beta 5.1 Changelog:
- Added unit tooltips to stationed units on the CityDetailsWnd
- All ... quests should allow you to retreat at the initial entry and still be returnable
From Sorcerer King Beta 5 Changelog:
From Sorcerer King Beta 3 Changelog:
- Significant improvements to long-standing movement calculation issues
Hopefully these get ported to LH.