In no apparent order
1- Many programs come with an icon library built-in to the exe with multiple possible standard icons to chose from. Add objectdock support for this so when we click change icon, one of the options on the tree is the built-in icons in the file
2- In options, allow adding folder(s) containing loose icons that we can use to set any icon (already there)
3- Auto Alphabetical Sorting Option
4- Add properties option to right click (context) menu of the dock icons so that we can adjust things like command line parameters and compatibility options of the shortcut right there. This is something standard windows toolbars already do
5- clock widget: digital clock option
Edit: found a docklet on wincustomize that does this
6- weather widget: option to set font, size and color. The white temp is barely visible on certain icons like (sunny weather).
7- Calendar widget: option to show day of week (eg. Wed) instead of numeric date on the icon
8- If technically possible, start widget option to open (all programs) menu directly from the widget instead of just opening the start menu on the other side of the screen when clicked. This is really the last thing that would allow me to hide the windows task bar permanently since object dock will provide pretty much all its services (clock, calendar, system tray, running apps tasklist, start menu).
9- This would be tough to maintain across versions but it would be great to have a feature to backup and restore settings (which should include docks, icons, paths, and ignore any errors for stuff that no longer exists) in a single file. (copying the settings files manually seems to risky since the format may change and cause unforeseen issues)
10(new)- Allow multiple instance launch of each dock program (doable from advanced tweaks)
11 - for the custom dock dialog that displays when you change an icon, allow showing icons full size or at least adjusting the display since even 512x512 icons are tiny. Also it has a limit on how many icons it can display. Ideally it would work like the standard browse dialog which allows showing extra large icons and you can scroll to see all of them. I have around 4000 in one folder