Note: All Bugs seen in version [0.751]. No bugs are copied over from the [0.75] thread unless I actually run into them again and take a new picture.
It's only bugs from a single game so far. I'll update it when I play another game as a different starting Sov (till I've had a crack at each one for testing purposes.) Bugs from any new games I'll put in a new post so you don't have to keep rechecking the first post.
Pictures, with hopefully amusing comments, available here:
Major Bugs
SK Fortress cannot be attacked - see save
Shards can be consumed multiple times. (Resulting in suicide. Despite the description they most certainly increase the doomsday counter).

After encountering the SK fort all battles and map interactions produce the same prompt about needing a key.
Broken SK conversations. Repeated and repetitive, with incorrect text, bonuses and rewards. I had one conversation giving two or three reward pages then repeating in a couple of turns. The rewards listed did not match the selected dialogue options.
Minor Bugs
Units can move into enemy tiles during the battle result pop-up. Allowing for stacking with goodie huts/dens/enemy armies:

Heroes still get injured on top of the 10 Doomsday points on death. Despiite Patch notes on steam reading:
- Champions losing combat now gives a Doomsday counter penalty instead of a permanent injury

Unit turn order icons often incorrect, ignoring units or indicating the wrong number of moves. e.g. here A unit 2x as fast is shown having (3, 2, 0...) 5 turns while the slower unit is shown 9 times. The Second image the sole Warlord unit isn't shown at all on the turn order.

Missing Content
Lieutenants missing description (cut short) and ability icons/abilities in general.

Misc_Shrill missing text and description

Warlock and Warlord share icon (but not model).

(Additional items can be found in the Photobucket library for 0.751 bugs listed at the top.)
Naphaz the warlord skill tree:

- Missing picture of Naphaz.
- Gap between drain life and nightmare howl.
- OverwhelmingFear missing space in title.
- Dark spread has blank icon.
- ShadowHeart, ShadowSoul and DoomBringer also missing space or hyphen.
- Dark Spread missing damage information.
- Drain life animation gets delayed by ~13s for some reason.
- Leeched life from critical leech doesn't update health instantly. Instead it's after warlord is damaged (which makes it look like enemy units are healing you with their claws)
- Casts death ward if the attacking army is on shadowlands. (So you get death ward even on lush green lands adjacent to shadowlands).
- Death Ward has no tooltip or description
- Description “+4 max HP per 50 doomsday points… +4 max HP for every 50 doomsday points.” Repeats itself.
Unit Behaviour/Balance Comments
Endless loops and random ability use. Enemies are dumb.
Trogs use battlecry on an endless loop (most units seem to use abilities as soon as possible irrelevant of the situation). Should never cast it when it's the only unit left. Much like spiders should never cast web... ever. It's almost never going to benefit them.
Both Lieutenants are desperately sad, pathetic boss battles. They can be kited to death due to them having very very low initiative, movement and disliking ranged attacks. (the fire one never used his spell when attacking him). I killed both lieutenants with a single unit, taking no damage from one lieutenant. The other did 4 damage from one weak spell and killed a single summon that I used to test the lieutenants physical attack strength. They wander around aimlessly and project no threat or sense of panic. They have no motives, desires, the description text is cut short and I don't care about or fear them at all. Nor do I have any other option of swaying them (e.g. getting on good terms with a fire/ice minor to 'talk' them to death or threatening to kill said minor if they don't hand over the key. Or killing said minor to enrage them and get them to attack my capital.)
Pathfinding is still annoying. Units will use all their tactical moves to attack a unit, walking the slowest and most convoluted paths to reach the enemy in tactical. On the strategic map pioneers are suicidal and don't like taking the safe route (e.g. two paths around a mountain, they'll go for the path going through enemy territory, ending turn adjacent to enemy camps.
It's possible to win the game using a single hero, no trained units, no sovereign battle spells. I don't think this is intended. I should probably try a game where I keep the hero confined to the capital to encourage me to test normal units... but I really don't want to. Normal units are about as dull and uninteresting as testing a dozen plates of Sprouts, Sprout soup, Crispy sprouts and shredded sprout salad. (I hate sprouts).
Unit abilities have terrible, terrible balance. Half I used once and realised they were awful so never used again. I shouldn't need to list them all. But can if it's desired. It's really not an isolated issue of one lone bad skill/spell/trait. The others are amusingly overpowered (But I found them to be useful exploits for a quick test-game and about the only fun thing that kept me interested.)
Enemies... I still think it's sad that you go around murdering random humans and their pet dogs. With the 'immaterial resources' surely murder could give you some negative resource while dealing with them some other way. (E.g. a 'talk' action in combat) could give you other resources.
Shards... the shard attacks are still annoying. Enemies suiciding against them is very strange (and the unit model gets stuck on top of the shard). I had most enemy waves suddenly ignore shards and go directly for cities... which came as a bit of a surprise. (Wiping out the undefended city that was otherwise never attacked). The SK minions feel... lifeless and mindless. Perhaps if all those giant stacks of instantly created enemies had to carve their way though neutrals first it'd slow them down and make it seem like they were a little more 'real', actually interacting with the map. A short list of things that bug me: Instant creation, teleporty move animations, instant death against shards and having only... 4 targets? makes them feel mindless. (Cities, shards, rally point? and if you're next to the SK fort - you). Combined with a lack of tactical AI they just seem... soulless.
The land-warping harvest and damage spells... these really need to have some other visible effect on mechanics beyond the doomsday counter. Without any benefit to 'happy' terrain (e.g. spawning neutrals, either to farm for loot or to defend against the SK minions), there's no real downside to the spell. And the doomsday increase can be undone with a spell or event making rushing crafting options extremely easy.
The... sad little doomsday reducing spell. I feel it totally undermines a core game mechanic. I could bring the doomsday counter down to 0 with so little effort. I kept it high just for testing, but there was no feeling of fear or danger on the way up to 'end-of-the-world'. More tactile feedback, hostile terrain spreading and the SK starting to cast big magic or gain large passive boosts to troops would be nice. e.g. Give units like darklings stats that feed off the doomsday, or have all enemy units gain buffs fighting in shadowlands. Or have the SK unlock new abilities at certain doomsday thresholds (but not lose those abilities if the doomsday is reduced.) e.g. have a minimum doomsday *Floor* that increases as you or he destroy the world/corrupt terrain.
Neutrals and SK conversations? The neutral faction text seems completely different to the SK/standard quest text. I see a big info-dump of backstory without the jokes. Also the writing feels a little... ugly. I'm not sure why. Also dull and lacking choices, or *informed* choices and some log of what was said if you want people to remember it all. (I'd like shorter, more interesting and dynamic conversations with the backstory available all the time via descriptions on their home city/diplomacy/quest screens.) The 'please wait x turns to talk again' is a terribly ugly placeholder mechanic. The icon for all the minors isn't in and all of them are squished, with the wrong aspect ratio as though they're trying to fit into a box half the width of the window.
Graphical Glitches
Item descriptions off:

Duplicate recipe unlocks shown:

Circles in tactical map:

Lingering Particle effect in FOW:

Movement above 10 reads as “11...” rather than e.g. 11/13:

Doomsday counter doesn't reset on starting new game:

Turns left on cooldown for abilities updates/displays incorrectly:

Ability range visual is set for the unit location when clicked. Not actual location (if a unit is moving). (visual bug only, I think):

Drain Fertility description correct, but all other new spells say -10 doomsday counter incorrectly:

New spells also show terrain code rather than descriptions:

Harvesting Fertility doesn't corrupt centre tile: