Always happy to see more for FE, mini-expansion, DLC whatever... it's all good.
Right now, given our traditional naming convention, we'd call it Fallen Enchantress: Ultimate Edition
I think that's fine personally.
Maybe Fallen Enchantress: Legendary Heroes (Ultimate Edition)?
I think that would be ok also.... then people know it's got all the LH stuff in it too, and is not just FE.
It would be $19.99 for users who have FE:LH, $39.99 new.
I'd buy it without hesitation because I'm such a fan of the game, but for $20 I would think most people would expect a fair bit of new content.
Greater faction differentiation where different factions do different types of damage (fire, cold, electrical, arcane, poison, etc.)
Not real interesting. We already have this to an extent, Amarians can use Soul Spark (lightning), Quendar have Flame Tongue (Fire), Urxen have poison via Poison Vials (Master Assassins trait).
Personally this doesn't interest me. I'm not sure Dynasties really fit in with FE.... have kids and stuff, nah. I'd be concerned it would need a lot of work to get it right... it was obviously removed from FE for a reason. Having said that obviously a lot of folks would like to see it back.
Different Tech Tree per major faction
Lots more unit customization items
Meh, not fussed either way on these.
General diplomacy overhaul
Yes, absolutely... #1 priority. Would prefer it in a 2.0 update but fair enough.
A new scenario
More of everything: quests, random events, spells, traits, items.
Any of this stuff would be good, particularly quests and events.
What i'd really like to see is basic naval transportation. Probably not going to happen, but anyways.
Oh and a hall of fame.