1. The new capship the enslavor for vasari enslave planet population, when in friendly gravity well, it would boost the production of ships and make additional taxes for a time
2. A ship between a cap ship and a titan. That can produce a limited ammount of its own heavy support cruisers (2 -3 of tthem) that will have support abilities directly correlating toward their "mother ship" probably for TEC
3. A new Titan option for tec loyalists that can spawn 4 addioional support cruisers. Their main ability would be to generate a front shield through their links and the titan in order to take all the damage and direct it towards the titans armor and shields
4. New vasari heavy cruisers that can link up to one another (max 2) and form something like a small cap ship for a limited time.
5. New type of gas processing ship (the size of trading ships) that would get gas from a gas giant and head back to the special gas refinery in a friendly gravity well.
6. New Titan for the enemie of the vasari. With a level 6 ability to disrupt planet nodes for a time and totally black out a planet for a time, so it looks to a player like an undiscovered planet, you will not be able to control your ships in that gravity well. They would automatically retreat. Further ur ships will have 50%of armor gone and 100% of shields gone. They will keep uncontrollably retreating from gravity well to gravity well for 7minutes. I know its harsh
1. I thought that was just the Egg.
2. Supercapitals might be interesting. Not sure how the balance on that would go though...
3. Why do they need a new one? What's wrong with the Athena Ankylon (seriously, why did they rename it?
4. Idk about Vasari, but for the Chaser HC, pulling a Megazord-type thing could be cool for the new faction. Perhaps all their ships operate that way and in doing so create something that changes in capabilities depending on constituent parts. Reminds me of Knights of Sidonia.
5. This would be a great way to boost refinery popularity. You'd just have gas giants have capturable harvesting stations which your refineries would send ships to collect from. Since we don't really want to add a new resource, perhaps the more you collect the more efficient your refineries become? Idk what the Advent would do though.
6. Come to think of it, we have nothing in this game that reduces vision. That's something you could design an entire faction around. If we assume that the Chasers are the ones that originally built the PJIs, then the ability to create event horizons at will to block all transmissions could be cool. You'd have to be careful though if you want it to be a fair fight online. Perhaps you can still order your ships but for a brief period (<15 seconds) you can't see any updates on the status of your ships, letting the enemy do all sorts of scary things in the interim. Dude... I really want think more about a titan with such powers... That sounds awesome... Perhaps their superweapon could be something that halts all Planetary activity for a period. When I say all, I do mean all: resource collection, tax, trade, phase lanes shut down, and planet health regen. It wouldn't disable ships or structures because we know from the old version of the Kostura how OP disabling all ships is and to disable structures would be too similar to the Kostura as it is now.
You know what? I'm going to take this idea and run with it. Not only does this sound awesome, from a lore perspective, it fits perfectly. I'm going to be spending some time thinking about this. I'll assume in this case that the PJIs are the creations of the Chasers which means that they're likely some ascended race that resides in Phase Space. I'll assume that the Viturska Transport Lab was trying to figure out how PJIs worked and finally stumbled upon a solution. This must have sent a warning signal to the Chasers who became frightened that their safety had been threatened and returned, using their PJIs as portals to get back into normal space.
Let's say then that they spawn their ships only from PJIs in a way that resembles Vasari Titan Factories in that from a lore perspective, it's a portal, but gameplay-wise, it's just a normal factory. I'll walk through a few faction-unique things I think they could have...
- Weapons: phase cannons (low direct-to-hull damage), gravity cannons (impacts have knockback), rift beams (standard beam weapons with a fancy name),
- Strike Craft could have shields but would be single-unit squads or perhaps they're just kamikaze missiles.
- Scouts can warp to whatever position they were in 10 seconds ago (even if that means going to a different planet)
- Colony ships can capture enemy PJIs
- LFs could perhaps temporarily remove AM from enemy frigates (say they remove 100 AM and 20 seconds later 30 AM is returned)
- LRF could fire gravity cannons, keeping enemy units at range
- Flak ships could be technically unarmed but instead could send pulses through phase space that deal low aura damage to SC or perhaps they have an AoE that whenever ships enter or exit it, they take damage.
- Corvettes could naturally slow phase engine charge speed
- Siege Frigate bombing could be done by using some sort of gravity device
- HCs could have phase cannons and perhaps the ability to revert their health to what it was five seconds ago, making them able to withstand titan AoE
- Defensive cruisers could boost all rates on ships (regen, weapon CD, speed, acceleration, and ability CD)
- Offensive cruisers could do the opposite to enemies
I'll post stuff about capitals tomorrow. I have a presentation for upper management in the morning, so sleep is calling.
EDIT: I'd be fine with getting community involvement if only to prevent another Rankulas. Also, I don't really think it's our place to PM them ideas. If they see them they see them. Beyond that, for all we know, the announcement could be something other than Sins II, so PMing this thread to them could seem presumptuous.