1. The game crashes continue to be a significant issue with game play, especially with large fleets. Constant saves required to ensure progress is not lost.
Noted above myself please fix asap...
2. I would like to see some programmable options for ships ("Stay here and if enemy comes by kill it then return to sentry." would be awesome!)
Awesome idea, I second it.
3. The AI is stupid. Massive buildup of useless ships all stacked together and doing nothing. Killing the enemy star ports over and over and over without any of these enemy ships attacking back seems to be a real enthusiasm killer.
AI will be improved, this is a dumby AI for the Alpha, no worries here, has been stated by Stardock on several posts/videos.
4. As a test, I surrounded/blockaded an enemy planet about 6 hexes outward from the planet with ships to prevent the enemy from building another star port. Just a test. Oddly, it destroyed my ships on one hex and built the dang star port anyway. Wonder which technology advance gave them the ability to do that
Interesting, the starport destroyed your ships? or an enemy ship came and destroyed it, then built it?
5. I want to tell my fleet to attack an enemy fleet and don't stop until its dead or I am dead (or I disengage). Helps a lot when facing the AI's ship stacking issue (40-60+ useless enemy ships against my highly advanced (3-4) Paladin fleet takes for eeeevvvvvaaaarrrrr to resolve combat. Tedious and boring.)
Great suggestion, I second this one too...
6. Planet management option to "Upgrade All" structures to highest available would be a welcome relief. With 10+ lvl 16 or higher worlds it can take a looonnnggg time to manually upgrade stuff.
This is already being addressed as stated in multiple video streams.
7. How about being able to pick an advanced tech target like planet invasion and have the game queue up the required research and not stop until its reached? Set and forget unless stopped/changed.
I've mentioned this before, but again I second the posted suggestion 
8. The blockade problem, along with the AI ship stacking issue, makes for a very, very tedious game guys. I know its an Alpha. I am doing what I can to break things. Seems to be working. Until the all powerful God of Crash appears. Hope I saved recently...
Repeated issue no comment...
Side note: I should ask for a tour of the Stardock HQ. I live about two miles away off N. Territorial.
I live a state away, I'm up for a road trip to MI though