As a fellow developer selling software to a large number of clients, I completely understand and relate to Stardock's situation; however, when a misstep occurs, introspection is in order and accepting the clients angst in their responses is part of the package. To belittle, chastise and deter these responses is extremely damaging to the longevity of customer retention. It is important to own these mistakes and to do what can be done to correct them. This is how I perceived REPLY #64 and was just attempting to provide additional food for though in this process of introspection, reconsideration and course correction. I've been in the same position more times than I can count. I have learned to welcome this sort of feedback, letting the "anger" aspect of it fall to the side and look deeper between the lines to try to understand my clients perspective in order to come up with a solution that covers as much ground as possible between the company and the clients. Again, this is how I perceived REPLY #64 and attempted to provide these details for consideration. Now that that is HOPEFULLY CLEAR...
When Forum Moderators Go Bad
It is not necessary to be a ***. I've been a client for over 12 years... I've posted one time in this forum and this is what I am to expect in the response from moderators (and, by extension, Stardock).
For the record, YES, I did see the post. My response was to make it clear that I'm in the same camp as several others, yet I do understand the need of Stardock to protect their interests; however, I also was expressing what I'd like to see in the COURSE CORRECTION OF THIS.
I suppose that I'll have to consider this as being my last post into this forum and, I suppose I'll have to just SHUT THE HELL UP AND HOPE FOR THE ******* BEST with regards to how this COURSE CORRECTION will be done.
As a customer for 12 years, I suppose that my OPPINION and MY CONCERNS for HOW I WANT TO SPEND MY MONEY ARE WORTH ****. But hey, the moderators want to belittle and express that my opinion and my concerns are worthless and point out, in their opinion, that I haven't read EVERY SINGLE POST IN THIS THREAD. I have and I did. I chose my words very carefully.
I, in no part, was being a troll.
I in no way was being critical.
I expressed my situation (which may be shared by others), my concerns and my hopes as to how things would be FIXED.
Sure, some of the posts in this thread are clearly people being upset, which, as pointed out in the most rude of ways, some people appear to not be understanding that the situation is being reviewed with a fix "coming soon".
However, mine was not that kind of post. Again, mine was clearly pointing out concerns regarding HOW THE ******* FIX was being considered and HOW ***THE FIX*** would POTENTIALLY AFFECT ME.
Again, if the moderator response in this thread are any indication of what I (and other customers) are to expect from Stardock, I may have to rethink what has been a very long relationship and my recommendations to other potential customers of Stardock products when I am asked about these products... I am very reserved in my recommendations and this triple posting, assumption of ignorance and blatant disregard of a customers concerns are quickly solidifying the reasons why I'm extremely reserved; it's disappointing that this behavior is being reflected by a company that has provided such a great product for so many years. Stardock was one of the exceptions, now that has been damaged. I don't know if the moderators are employees; however, I'm being honest in that, as a client, I'm not sure I see much of a difference when I don't see these sorts of responses being dealt with by Stardock.
To the moderators that have accused me of "not reading", I response with read mine again on it's own merits (not including other responses).
To Stardock... please tell me that the moderators responses are not reflection on the company as a whole.
Thanks for the AWESOME first impression of utilizing these forums...
Cory Smith