Jungling is A LOT harder now. It was already probably the hardest role in terms of game knowledge. You had to know reasonable runes/masteries plus routes just to not be a complete jackass in the early game. Now you still have that, plus there is tremendous pressure in figuring out starting items correctly (if you get it wrong, you are getting executed somewhere, or taking a horrible back).
And the item breakpoints are brutal. Before you could hit a few camps and back for 1st jungle item upgrade and a few pots without having to be any kind of genius. Now its HARD to get the 700 gold to do that on a lot of junglers, and if you have to back before then you are at a big disadvantage.
I guess its good for me since I play jungle enough to figure this out, so I'll get an advantage over opponents who don't. But this is going to brutally punish people who only jungle sometimes.
Hunter's potion seems to be a complete newb trap. The only use case for it that I can see is if you want to start jungle item + flask, do 2 camps, then back and purchase nothing but hunters. You will have a lot of sustain, but your jungle item upgrade will be very delayed. But otherwise Hunter's doesn't fit anywhere since you don't need it after you have the first jungle item upgrade. I mean, its super cheap and cost effective, but it makes your early clear so much more difficult, and but the time you get that first jungle upgrade, you REALLY want to start buying actual combat stats.