my biggest issue with 8.1 was it bricked the camera. opening any camera app was a waste of time. noting worked. all i could see was a black screen. secondary was the battery drain. i put 8.1 on the 920 at first and that phone went from 100% charged to dead in the water within 4 hours and i the only thing i had the phone doing was trying to find my music via the music app. thirdly was the complete fail concerning the music app. that darned app could not find a single one of the songs i had on the the phone. number four was the non-integration of the games hub. i had only 4 or 5 games installed but i didn't like seeing them listed in the apps list. for some dumb reason, i then decided it was time to upgrade to something else. hence, the 1520 although i wish the 930 had been an option. once i got home and synced everything to the 1520, i decided i'd try 8.1 on it. the battery drain was noticeable right away but it was something i could live with until the 'official' release of 8.1 and the firmware update from nokia. it was at that time i restored the 920 to factory settings. you'd think that would roll the os back to an earlier version of 8.1 but no, it doesn't. it just gave me a empty installation of 8.1 well, i told the woman who was interested in the 920 about the battery drain but she didn't care. her android phone and taken a dump on her and she was desperate for a decent phone. an hour or so later, i went with her to the local at&t store and you know the rest of that story. well, anyway, when i found that nokia recovery tool, i called her and explained that i thought i could restore the 920 to 8.0 and it would be better for her. she was game for that, to say the least. after a 15 minute drive to her place, i then restored the 920 back to 8.0 using their laptop and everything was fine.well, other than her calling me quite often wanting to know how to do certain things on the phone. she had never laid eyes on a windows phone before and to be honest, she isn't very tech savvy. actually, she isn't tech knowledgeable at all. i had to show her how to turn the phone on., make calls, edit a contact, write a text message, and how to use the camera withing 10 minutes of her getting it activated to use with her account.
starkers, i don't have a spare 1520. i was willing to trade them my original 1520 with 8.1 for the replacement phone and pay the $35 restocking fee but they would not consider that.i tried to do what i thought was the right thing but failed in my attempt. i may be able to get an empty 1520 box for ya if ya want one.
anyway, i'm anxiously awaiting the official release of 8.1 and the firmware update. the 1520 is already fast but with 8.1, it seemed faster. i like the change in the call screen, the messaging emojis, the swipe keyboard, battery saver, storage sense, data sense (i'm sure at&t will disable that), and the transparent tiles are SWEET.