Ever since I accidentally found galciv late into last November, I a have been in love with my CD version of galciv2 ultimate edition. (probably because I see my self in the reflection, lol.) But it was the friendly, always helpful demeanor of the developers and my fellow fans that made that love real.
Now. Here is were I shall start ranting. (not counting the above paragraph.)
rant number one 
I have noticed that many game requests are for things that can be modules, especially on the idea list. Things like asteroids giving credits, or science vessels, and resources having a bigger role in strategy, they are examples on how the players concept on strategy is changing.
Before if you wanted a tech victory you researched on planets, and could sign a treaty for a moderate gain. This time modules and the map itself seems to be playing a part in strategy and how the game is played. Allowing for more ways to get the same victory.
Modules also seem to be wanting a place in nearly every other category from population, to improvements. All of it will make a more immersive, customizable game for the player.
rant number two. 
When it comes to modds it's important that everything can be potentially altered for personal preferences. Like events, AI and galaxy settings. When people play how they want, people pay how you want.
rant number three 
Now what is everyone's problem with steam? I just signed up and I'm paranoid about people having my data, I don't even have a Facebook photo ( because I don't like the way I look in photos. but I am about put one up soon*. Lol) steam has been okay for me, but I just wish there were/are physical copies I can see my reflection in. Lol 
rant number... rant 
I have had access to the vault for one whole day now, and as my e-friend ParagonRenagade said "my brain kasploded". All of it was like a window into the future. The only thing I would make different is the planet screen. Population should be displayed somewhere with more visibility as it now determines basically everything else. Maybe planet class too as that impacts what people will build. Other than that, I'm eager to play and kill some yor and drengin. ( or anybody since war is the only option
As for the starports, I don't understand what frogboy meant by saying it could be on the main map. ¿Will starports no longer be improvemens we build, but instead are always present?
Now here are some random thoughts of mine, in no particular order. 
has anyone else wondered if Stardock gives tours though their building? That would be cool I think. The best part would be finding out what's in their vending machine.
Karma for anyone who says they like alternative rock, or Radiohead. 
looking in the vault was like like my first turn of galciv, I was learning like a infant and it was awesome. Galciv3s alpha isn't out and I'm already making strategies!
I am done ranting incoherently now, it's been fun putting
after every paragraph.
(if you read all this you are either obligated to, are really bored, or your really anxious about the alpha. Lol)