Well about drinking it doesn't work when you are having a good time. When you are trying to enjoy the moment the trick is to numb the moment so you can't savor it as much that is what drinking is like when you are having a good time. I think it is better to enjoy the moment than to take a tranquilizer A.K.A. alcohol when you trying to have a good time. So I agree why drink so you can't enjoy, or remember the moment. On a side note I noticed the ultra popular in school didn't drink in high school. When I thlyink of this it makes sense why drink when there is nobody to impress. They are also not rebellious. Why hate your parents when everyone is going to like you anyways.There is no reason to drink, but to impress other people who ironically don't really care if you drink, or not.
I would like to see a game as realistic as possible while still maximizing out the fun.
I like the idea of dividing the races into factions.
I would think in a scenario like this there would at least be one faction that would be trying to fly out of known space to plant a colony away from anyone. They might of already have had some planets hidden for this purpose already in case of an invasion. If they already had hidden planets they might of built a fleet for this purpose, or are currently building a fleet.If they are building a fleet that would at least explain why it took them awhile to join the war. The reason for being silent is that they didn't want a premature invasion of the reserve territory until they were able to have a good surprise offensive against the Drengins. Maybe even trying to set up a fake imprisonment like hogans heroes.
There is probably a human faction that wants to appease the Drengins at any cost. They are probably meeting with the Drengins. The other human factions probably hate these guys.
There is probably a faction that was oppressed before that is trying to take over now that things have changed. These guys are probably working two angles. One is that they are willing to surrender to the Drengin as long as they are allowed to run things, or enact revenge. The other angle is that the current system is in place has failed meaning it is time to have a new system in place. These guys are probabmeeting with the Drengin.
There are probably factions that have declared independencot e to try to stay out of war.hat
There could have been factions that have been forgotten, or have declared independence before the war. Also there could have been planets that weren't strong enough to have rebelled against earth that are now independent.
Anyone could have engineered a faction of mutants, or even intelligent humanoid animal warriors this could have been done since the war, or earlier. The explanation for delayed enterance could be the fact that they were created from a long dead faction, they were in cryogenic stasis all along, or it simply takes time to build a retalitory fleet.
Lets not forget the cybernetic option. There could have been a division on this the ones that want to keep the Human race pure while others felt that enhancing the body was better. I've just mentioned two different factions. This could be alien or human.
This could apply to any faction that lost the war. You could actually do this redundantly for each faction to make multiple factions for each race.
There could be Drengin faction who are tired of war, and want to stop the war. There could be a Drengin faction who either didn't like the treatment the Korath gave, or are setting up an underground for refugees from the war maybe sending them to a hidden planet that could be creating a new faction. This is actually a two faction idea. The second faction would be a mixture of all the conquered races.
The Korath could be regrouping for revenge. They might be working with the Terran's now.
There could be a group of Thalans who are actually upset for destroying the Terror stars. Maybe they thought the Thalans should have seeked a more peaceful solution instead of joining the Drengin in the war backing the atrocities of the Korath and the Drengin.
Lets not forget about the original Thalans not just the ones from the future.
Now that I'm done with all the extra factions ideas I would like to see in a game with more factions or different leaders for each faction. Lets talk about what the current factions could do.
The Krynn could declare a Jihad against the Drengin since they weren't in the original war allying with the Terrans, and the Altarians. Maybe only with the Altarians because the Terrans may be that bitter because the destruction of the Terror stars.
Now that the terror stars are destroyed, and the Thalan's have saved the universe they turn on the Drengin and the Yor with the Terran's, and the Altarians helping them. Possibly two seperate wars one would be the Altarians and Thalan only because the Terrans are still bitter about the Terror stars while the Altarians are cordinating with the humans.
The Yor go on a campaign to exterminate all organics afterwards either the Drengin, or the Yor win with the Terran, and the Altarian's ambushing the winner at the end.
The Iconians decide to go from neutral to an ally of the human and the Altarian factions. Catching the Drengin in a surprise ambush of their fleet when they didn't expect the cowardly Iconian to enter the war.
In spite of the Altarian warnings the Drengin try to occupy Altaria only for their forces to get wiped out by precursor stuginff and dark energy.
The Altarians attack the Drengin with a bunch of Precursor goodies. The explanation of a delayed retaliation is it took them that long to learn the more powerful weapons.
A computer virus could have corrupter the Yor making them ally with the Humans, and try to annialate the Drengin empire.
You could do a combination, or all seven ideas in the campaign.
Now lets not forget a desperate underdog human faction would resort to terrorism. One explanation of how they could be managing all this time under a forcefield is the invention of the replicator.
Here are some ideas I came up with for the game.
As far as the description of the human race in the future I have noticed that the people are getting weaker, and are becoming more entertainment junkies, and less socialble. Not sure if they are getting smarter. They seem to be not as good at math as they used to be. They seem to be calling the less complex stuff complicated. A good example people are calling windows complicated now days. The geeks are what people are striving to be now days. Not the cool people.