It's basically a more focused Fallen Enchantress and has always been the genre leader in tactical combat. Most people refer to AOW1 or Shadow Magic when considering "combat done well" in 4X games. Those sieges that people want so badly for FE? They're usually referencing Age of Wonders.
It's true fantasy in that it has the fantasy races you'd expect. It's 4X, but much more focused on combat. It's been in development since before Civ V came out, so contrary to the similar look (sorta), it is definitely its own thing. Watch Quill18's Let's Play of a Dwarf Theocrat for a good idea of what it's like.
Or hell, watch videos of AOW1 or AOW: Shadow Magic.
But seriously, to come in to this forum thread and stated "I don't like it", you're basically just trolling. I'm happy to answer legitimate questions, though.