Hello everybody,
i'm new to the forums but a long time customer to Stardock. Since i was thinking about opening a thread like this on my own, i took the chance since c242 already did so.
I'm also worried about the same thing in the end. My story or experiences in a few sentences would be something like this:
01. I found a bug in ObjectDock (actually i found several by now)
02. I report it to the support guys
03. I receive an answer that most likely just tells me that the product is still supported and that i also send i a log from their support tool they link to
04. I do as asked
05. They tell me that they can reproduce the bug but that there is no fix for it and that it is reported to the developers
That's it – literally!
Once every know and then i add an complaint about why they do tell me there is support but when i try to use it, it ends in nothing more like "we reported it". The answer every time is "we do support, we gather bug reports, we deliver them to the developers and there is no more information we have for you". At least they should have a better information policy – i always thought just the support of the german companies over here i such bad. Or sad.
The real sad thing is, as i know that Stardock is not such a big company and that they have other products and other users awaiting help, this has happened before. That was in times before the Impulse disaster, when nearly the same situation occured and we waited years – until Windows 8.1 forced an update due to several incompatibilities – before something happened. Strangely, every other of my Stardock products is updated several times in between. But surely Start8 or WindowBlinds do sell better, aren't they?
Funny enough, there are still bugs from back then that aren't fixed until today!
And how long do we wait now since the last update shortly the few, tiny Windows 8/8.1 fixes ... ? 
Actually, ObjectDock is one of the last docks wich is currently still under development and updated (okay, every few years at least; before it stops working at all ... -.- ) besides maybe the Nexus dock. And also it's one of the last feature rich docks at all. Sales must be really worse if they thread it like this even when they nearly have no competitors left ...
I won't just start to speak about suggestions by the users, besides bugfixes.
If anyone is interrested in what bugs i found, i can do a quick list and description. Maybe someone knows the one or another solution to them. But i gave up on reporting them officially for the reasons mentioned above.
Just my humble opinion and just the facts as they are (at least for me). Anyone having more luck yet? Probably we should begin a Kickstarter campaign to collect donations for the support for our paid products?
Okay, that was a mean one i gues ...
No harm meant.