Like Werewindlefr said, the RPS review is way off. Yes, the game can be punishing, but once you get your groove going, its really fun. If I had to guess, the RPS guy had small farms, assuming he had farms at all, or his buildings were spaced out too much, or he had too much stuff in the queue causing issues.
The other big thing the RPS guy mentioned was that there is no alert when someone dies of old age. Actually, there is, but it is not enabled by default (which is annoying). Under the Event Log, in the top right corner, there are a number of buttons, the 1st one toggles death by old age alerts.
My current city is 135 people, and I've built almost every building (still missing the Chapel). I've not run into any bugs, and the only really annoying thing that has happened is that I had a Teacher die without having any Laborers to take over (Laborers will automatically fill a position if someone dies). That immediately kicked out all students and made them Laborers. When I assigned a Teacher, none of the Students returned, which means I have a big spike in Laborers, but it'll be a few years before I get any more, as I now have to wait for Students to go through school. This has the potential of being bad. 
Other than that, I've been having a lot of fun with the game. It can be very relaxing, and it can get a bit hectic at times as well. I wouldn't really call it a Sim City style game though. It's more of a resource management/survival game, where your people are your most valuable resource.