Greetings Elemental players - I have been following this game closely (reading up on the patch news, updates, dev thoughts, etc.) for a little over a year now, and am looking to purchase it in the near future.
One of the aspects I value most in video games I buy is the soundtrack. Sins of a Solar Empire and Rebellion have fantastic soundtracks that set the atmosphere of the game perfectly - the same goes for the last three Elder Scrolls games, both of the recent Fallout titles, Dishonored, Supreme Commander, the entire Halo series... you get the picture. But I have had immense trouble finding any information whatsoever on the soundtrack to Elemental. There was a soundtrack CD included with the collector's edition of War of Magic which is now on Grooveshark, but I keep wondering if that is the entire soundtrack. Have there been any additions in Fallen Enchantress, Legendary Heroes, or any of the DLC?
Here is the link to the Grooveshark album:!/album/The+Music+Of+Elemental+War+Of+Magic/5278514
Evidently the soundtrack is composed by a Mason Fisher.
Some reviews mention the soundtrack, but only for a total of about a sentence and it usually goes something like this: "The soundtrack is a dismal kind of Renaissance elevator music that only rarely transitions to anything like excitement during wartime." That is a direct quote.
If anyone knows any information regarding the soundtrack - what does it sound like throughout the game (does that sentence above really say all that needs to be said?), if there were any new songs added in the expansion packs, or any other insights that there are to give about the soundtrack of Elemental, any help would be fantastic.