BTW, did you see in the new PC gamer interview where Modder's Head's are going to explode by the tool system they are releasing?
Yes, I did.
I thought i would warn you, if your head explodes who will marvin have to compete with for best mod?
To be honest, I really hope, that I won't need to mod GalCiv 3. I only began modding GalCiv 2, because some bugs kept annoying me. One of them has been known since the release of DL, while the rest was added in the TotA beta. None of them has been fixed in the vanilla game.
Btw, If i wan't to try your mod, or marvin's, Do i just install it like i did that APT1? then go to the options/mods and click on Default, or APT1, or what ever your mods called? then just back up/remove any race XLM that i played, that is in my documents folder and i'm good to go? (i'm only playing alterians to this point in time so there will be only one anyway)
Yes, that's all. The only exception is, if you want to play the fixed campaigns in my mod. They require you to install them directly into the campaign folder of the game, because they don't work inside the mod folder. However, I provided instructions on where you need to put them, in the main post of my mod, so that shouldn't be a problem.
Though i am wondering i naybe i could make my own version of the APT1 mod?
Absolutely. However, like MarvinKosh said, make a backup of the mod first. It's safer that way.
Would it be possible for me to Change how range and life support work in that mod, Along with changing the minors..
Sure, though changing the range requires a workaround, because we cannot modify it directly.
I would really like to use that script i read about that Minor's can work like powered up single planet races, Or act like Normal races.
That requires editing the RaceConfig.xml. There are two things you can do:
1. Change the <AIPersonality> tag of each Minor race from 3 to 11. This will assign the AI of a Major race to them, which is able to colonise planets.
This change doesn't work automatically, however. At the start of the game, the Minors will still be assigned their old AI. You need to save and re-load in order for the Minors to get their new AI.
2. Add the following tags to each Minor race:
This change will make the Minors smart. It also works automatically, so no need for the re-load trick, if you only use this.
And is that random by default?
No, it depends on the changes. If you just won't the Minors to be able to colonise, then only change their AI. If you just want them to be smart, then only add the tags. If you want both, then do both changes.
Can you set minors to the AI scripts you want? Like say set one to use AI 11?
Range i would like to decrease the range of all ships, I think i would like to try 65% to start, I also wan't to cut the range of life support in half. and keep size and build time the same. I really wan't to try to increase the importants of Life support..
Editing the Life Support modules is easy. You can find them in the file GC2Types.xml. The tag you need to change is called <Range>.
As I said, we cannot change the base range of ships directly, because it is hardcoded. The easiest workaround is to apply a penalty to the Range ability of all races. For this, you need to edit the <RANGE> tag in the RaceConfig.xml. Set it to the negative value you want. For example, if you want the range be only at 65% strength at the start of the game, then set the value to -35.