Well since people r starting to post here. Here r my ideas for Galactic civilization 3.
I think the races need to be more fair. I don't like to play races and feel that I'm handicapped because of the race I play. The only one that is different is the Thalans because they r from the future. I like different races with different techs that do different things. I would like to see a different all around fairness in the different races. I'm not against requiring different playing styles than other races. What I'm saying is that u shouldn't handicap my playing style versus everyone else's,
Freeciv had 83 civs; I would like to have 83 or more species on Gc. Freeciv had 4 or more leaders per civ; I want to see Gc. to have 4 leaders per species. I would like the leaders to be like civilization 4 where different leaders has different abilities. This is different but different leaders could have their own specialised techs. I also want the leaders to be like Medieval total war where they r super interactive with each other. I want to see them very interactive like they were on medieval total war. I understand this would not be the same; because, were talking about space not the middle ages, and we r talking about weeds not years.
Civilization 4 have great people. There r different kinds of great people. U got great people by setting the civilization screen option for great people and you can get great peopke by building galsctic achievements and super projects. Great people did things by modifying the abilities the person is for, helping to researching the kind of tech he is for, or to start a golden age if U haven't started it yet.
I would like to see corporations like they have in civilizations 4.
I would like to use civics instead of governments. Civics r dependent on what u research, but has to do with religion, governments, and what determines what kind of life your people have and how the government is run. Civilization 4 plays this way. I think that other species has different kinds of governments. The humans would have all the known governments in history that would be applicable in this time. The other species could have made up governments or only a certain kinds of governments. For other species some of the governments that the humans have had that is not feaseable for an advances human civilization might would work for other species. The other species could have other made up religions, one religion, multiple religions, or state religions. These differences and other ones I can't think of would change the civic options for the different species. What I'm saying is that the game would have different civic options for the different species based on their alignment and goals. I also would like to point out that some of the human governments were also political parties, but this may not be so for other species. What I'm saying is that some species may have a communists party, but not the government; while others may have the government but not the party option. While the humans had both the government and the party. In most games that I know of the human race has always been classified as a neutral species. Some of my ideas for different kinds of governments r Kind of but not all inclusive the Yor would be dictators. The Thalans would be monarchy confederalism, or even a common wealth. The Korx would be a obliarchy. The Krynn would be Theocracy with an religious inquisition. The evil races would be facism or communism. While the good guys could have socialism, nationalism, democracy, a social democracy, republic, a representative republic, or a federation.This is my knowledge of governments. but it is limited.
My idea of a game I would like to combine Civilization 5 with Galactic civilizations 3 where u play as a leader of a civilization where if u get voted as the head of the security council or the pope or build a spaceship that goes to Alpha century first, but if someone beats u to this u become their civilization either way U become the Terrans. As far as I know this is a brand new idea with 2 stages where u play as a leader of a country and then the whole planet on an interstellar scale. Still refering to a stradegy game. U might either have this as a seperate game or give u the option to start with the space stage only.
I would like to see a 65 player or more game like Freeciv or a scenario like Teteckministan on civilization 3. U would have to have a bigger map.
I haven't played it yet, but I would like to see 50,000 planets like on distant worlds. The first I would like to see is it works like civilization 4 where it limits how many planets u can have. Then later on I can research techs that alleviate this, so I can expand. This way forcing u to have only 15 cities in the biginning gives the computer time to catch up this worked really well in civilization 4. Letting u expand later when u research the techs. Otherwise I will expand as big as I can. I also would like to be able to max out the map based on how much memory and virtual memory I have. By including virtual memory I can expand this by experimenting with the size of my virtual memory. I would like the option to check for this in my options menu, so I don't have to reinstall the game everytime I change my virtual memory.
I would like to see better starbases. I would like to see an option to have an economic boost to my planets on economic starbases.
I would like to see a better a pirate option. Maybe like Sins of a solar empire.
I would like to see a black market option, but to be honestly a black market would probably sell different goods than what u have on hand. These goods would be illegal. Whats illegal is different depending on the species. Like a slave market would be legal to the Drengins, but not the humans. This would not be black market stuff to the Drengin, unless the event that changes their ethics come up.
I would like to see a better leveling up option like civilization 4 or Sins of a solar empire. When your shups level up U actually pick abilities. Like the antimatter abilities in sins of a solar empire.
I would like to see the diffulty option to work differently instead of increasing or decreasing the Ai economy as u go up or down in level of difficulty; u could have a better playing Ai. I would like to see an Ai on a regular basis have a 100 in economics. military, and research, or what is the significance of recommending this if u don't follow this. I think this number would change depending on your ability bonuses and penalties. An example is the Altarians would have a research of 125 instead of 100. On Advanced algorithims on the hardest level the Ai would work a little differently. When the Ai couldn't beat u it would start changing things around till it found a stradegy that could play against u, or it would adopt your stradegy as best as it could. That would mean that the Ai would have to save how it played from the previous games. The game already classify techs why not classify other aspects. U could pull from other aspect catagories until u find the techs and improvements that work against the player. The player needs to have a option to reset this option to default for when he gets tired of this. This is for the hardest level. This could be one single Ai, or it would be based on the Ai as it would be in contact with u. Either through diplomacy or combat. I would like to see the Ai's actually take their share of the map. They usually either don't colinise much planets or u out expand them. Like the Thalans one race takes up too much of the map. And a few races don't expand much like the Yor, Drengin, or the Korath clan. I would like to see all the Ai's build morale improvements. I wouldn't want to see the Ai go crasy with farms unless it can keep a reasonably descent approval. This means if the planets approval falls below 51% then stop builfing farms. U may have to upgrade the farm to something else to balance this out. The Ai should care about morale. The Ai may need to drop a ship by its starbases until it can upgrade the starbases where it can defend itself. There no Ai's that dpn't build structures. The Ai needs to be able to use its super ability. All the Ai's should take up their share of the map. The Ai needs to b able to watch it's production, approval, and taxes where it can reasonably grow. The appproval being the most important factor until the civilization gets big enough. Because it controls how big your population is going to be. It needs to be able to build infrastructure for later in the game. The upgrades and improvement capability of the Ai can b improved depending on how many empty tiles r on the planet being terraformed. If it has an empty tile instead of terraforming a tile that don't need to be terraformed until later; build on the empty tiles until their is no empty spaces left. Now as far as upgrading this should depend on if your income is more than your spending. If u can't afford to don't upgrade the building to a better structure until u can afford to. This may require u to build more economic buildings if u have them. Also if U have a better building that does the same thing only better then upgrade it. Cap the population out at 20 billion. I would like for an increased difficulty not being a arbitrary economic bonus, but Instead the Ai does it's economics better. If u want u could make all these ideas for advanced algorithms only.
I would like to see an editor similar to civilization 3. I heard that Starcraft 2 has a better one. I don't know i never played Starcraft, but if they do I would prefer that one. An editor similar to the same capability as modding the game. This by no means replaces modding.
I would like the species of my own I create to b customizable with the same capability as stock races. I would like to be able to set me up with the same abilities as the stock races. For instance the Krynn can get up to 80% morale with populists. This way I can play around with the different ways I can customize without feeling I'm being cheated when I customize. would like to have the ability to modify the facial characteristics of my leader like they do on boxing legends of the ring or greatests heavyweights. . I would like to be able to pick the clothing of my leader. With the Krynn I would like my leaders to change to represent the different races of the Krynn. I would like to see negative options where I can get more points by penalising other abilities. I thought that the minor race tech tree was a good idea for when I was customizing. It at least gave me another option for another tech tree. I would like to see even more trees when I customise my race. I would like to see extra super abilities. When I pick starting techs for my customized race under a specific tech tree I think I should at least be able to pick the same techs as the stock races that the tree was made for instead of getting jipped. I'm not saying to take away my abilities to pick techs, but a lot of times u will make pick a tech that the stock race did not have to pick to get the tech they have. Making it impossible to have the tech setup as the game has. I guess the Thalans r from the future so they don't count. I would like to see a similar setup like when u go into the tribal stage on spore, or when u start the game at a later stage on spore. A difference would be that u can make humans. Another difference is that it would be easier to make aliens. Another difference is that u include the options to make your aliens. I want to pick my clothing.
This would be a really good tech idea. Multiple paths to the same techs. Divying up points amongst the techs u research this is done in the game. Different leaders would have different tech trees. If U have a research treaty with a different species. U would share research paths u wouldn't have otherwise, and u could ask the other one to research certain techs on your tech tree u wouldn't be able to do otherwise without a research treaty. If a species is hostile towards another species with advanced espionage then it should be able to make units to counter the other species that it couldn't do before only when the other species have researched certain techs. At the beginning of the game u would have a selection of specialised starting techs. U would be able to select half. U would have specialised tech trees connected to the starting techs, so when u selected them U would have a different tech tree depending of your selection of starting techs. On top of this different species should have different tech trees.
Since every version of windows come with paint why don't we use paint in the game, and let u change how the racial pictures look. Let u scan in pictures. Remember windows has this capability. I think u should be able to use a cam. This is a little unrealistic, but others will like being able to use their own pictures instead of the species pictures the game provides.
Now when I talk about the editor I'm talking about what came with the game that lets me make my own scenarios. I'm not talking about the modding capability of the game. The modding capability of the game involves a text editor that rewrites many Html and text files; where as to the editor it is a menu system that lets u change how the game works which is similar but different. I still want to keep the modding capability of the game, but I want a seperate editor. What I would like to do with the editor. I want to change how big the map is. I want to b able to add species. I want to add tech trees. I would like to have an option to have different opponents than the ones u can pick to play on the game. I want the ability to add players to the game. If I don't want the only the stock races to choose from, but I want to be able to add as many customized races as I want. I want to be able to add things that r not on the game. I want to be able to randomize only the things I want to randomize; while, I choose the other stuff. I want to control as much of the anomolies, random events, small races, opponents, and players as possible; even, how the Ai does these things. I want to be able to balance out the choices without modifying each and every one, or I would like to be able to modify the choices of each and every one. I noticed there were abilities that the player had no control over. These weren't even options under how u choose what the new techs do under the editor. I want to control as many aspects as possible for units and techs, and I want the Ai to use them. In the editor it was a little disappointing when I pulled up a tech tree, and it didn't give me an option to add techs from other trees. I want to be able to add new ships to the game. I want to be able to add new hulls to the game. Maybe to be able to add new options at the beginning of the game. Be able to add new ship options when building your ship. I want to be able to change the win conditions of the game, and I want to be able to control every aspect of the Ai. I would like to be able to change the way how the Ai feel about u wihtout changing the fact that they haven't met U with other races than just the Dread lords. This could still be a scenario like the game suggests, but instead of making me shift things around to find the file, and put it in the right folder. Can the editor just do it. I want to be able to create super abilities. The only limitation to the editor I want is my machine. Again an editor is not the modding capability of the game.
We should call them species not races. If u think about it an alien from another planet would not be in the same kingdom or have a similar genetic structure. They may not even have the same nucleuc acids or the same amino acids. They may be using a different solvent than water to hold things together. Even less likely they may be made up of different things than carbon compounds. The astrobiologists r not sure between divergent and convergent evolution. All this means is that the Drengin would be none thing like the blacks or the Chineese. They wouldn't even be as similar as the Neanderthal, Homo antessor, or the Austrolithecenes to the Homo sapien sapiens. So why r we calling seperate species races. The only exception to this rule is the Altarians.
Regarding multiplayer I would like to see a massive game with all the players who want to join. In order to do this u would either have time limited simultaneous base moves where u would have to pause it to micromanage. It would take u temporarily out of the game until u resumed. This way players can't declare war on u when u were to busy micromanaging to fight. I'm not talking about the single player game, but multiplayer. This way u can get things done. If the multiplayer not the singleplayer were real time stradegy then u could combine the multiplayer game with sins of a solar empire, we could play together.
I would like to see better garphics, and a universe with the different space stuff we find that r there.
I would like to see more example mods, and a easier site search for and download mods.
I would like to see the different species of the Krynn, and the different sentient species on Altaria.