Basically i am wondering about something. It often seems like the planets in the 13-15 range are ones that need to be terra-formed. toxic, water, gravity, radiation ect.. Occasion i find planets with a 20 rating, and once i saw a 25!! (i could swear 25, but perhaps 24 or 26) what ever it was it was huge.
Just curious on how common they are, they seem pretty rare
Another thing i'm curious about, Does the number of planet settings effect how common habitable planets are, or is that a complete separate mechanic.
My thinking is it can be coded a few ways, spawn stars, Spawn planets on stars, Spawn habitable planets on stars.
Or it could be spawn stars, spawn planets, spawn habitable planets. Obviously this would be a big difference, i figure someone must know.. 
*edit, a side note.. How do you set a rally point? Like say to make my constuctors go directly to a place and build? add on a mine, or space station?