I've owned the game at least a year, and you know how being a strategy game fan is.. Next turn becomes a year long time warp. But the other day i decided to fire the game up, and boy i have to wonder what the heck i was waiting for! One of the most fun games i have ever played. (seeing my first game played was pong/space invaders when they first came out) I think that says something.
But i got lots of Q's
First, Mod's, I see something that talks about fixing some broken AI, and fixes, but really kinda fuzzy on what it does, or what the value of the mod is. Is this something i should install for sandbox play? Is this something i have to use for the game to work right? So far it appears like the game works just fine. So I'm wondering what exactly the mods do for the base game.. Mod i'm talking about is Altarn's, But in his video he mentions others.. just curious what is out there, and what the really fix. Just trying to get an idea what they are all about, or how much i should worry about them.
1,On to the Q's.. For a while i was going with communications first, then planet techs, but now i wonder if racing to xeno research might be more worth it. the game has tons of techs so this sounds to me like a good concept. Talking in the very early times seems a bit pointless to just trade with a couple civs that might be close. Perhaps part of that has to do with my second Q
2, i like playing spread out larger maps, so less planets/stars, but larger maps) to me this seems like the game is much bigger/aka space. Maybe makes engine upgrades more important, plus holding strategic locations. does the game give as good of a challenge if players are really spread out? so far i have only played on settings up to challenging, and i have yet to even see a single war.. One game i had over 2/3's of the system, and still not a single one even bothered to attack, and i didn't have a single war ship!
3, I was reading population effects income, aka money buildings. they produce more money on planets with higher populations. Is it worth setting up money colonies on class 5-7? or should i shoot for class 10+? I have seen some class 20 planets too, are these the ones you want to colonize for max money?
4, early game money has been an issue.. I am wondering if putting 3 factories, 2-3 research, 2-3 money buildings early on my home world is a good idea? for a while i was making expansion worlds my money worlds, and that did not seem to be working well. Population size must be part of that? What if i moved populations to the worlds? Like say a class 6, along a trade route, make a starbase for trade/economy? is this a valid idea?
5. I read about moving populations, How do i do this? Build a colony ship i would guess, but then how do i fill it?
6, Colony ships to start colonies, Do i basically just need a single colony module, maybe engines/support for distance? Maybe i can strip down for faster build times for closer planets? just trying to think about the bare minimum i need for these.
7, trade ships.. How do i build them? do they need just a single trade module?
8, early game, Is trade better than economy buildings? I have found fast expansion leaves me in a hole, but how can ya pass up class 10+ planets close to you? Or even the larger ones that need some sorta terraforming.. I would think you would wan't to grab 4-5 big planets close to you before your neighbors do right?
9, My most recent game i played at challenging,, I have tried something a little different, Max out colony ship building, reduce research and building construction, for like the first 20 turns, this gives me 4 colony ships, and a few scouts.. (i buy a factory/research building on home planet, then a factory/starport on the first expansion so i can start producing a few deep space scout ships.. (these are small ships, with 4 basic life support, and 1 sensor, which has almost 2 parsec's more distance for same time. I think it is a parsec, the squares you can see on the map grid)
After i get the 4-5 planets semi near my territory colonizes, i switch to both planets building constructors, cut military to like 20%, and crank up research to close to 60, and keep about 30 in buildings. I then build more research buildings, and try to catch up my delayed research. Before long i have 4-5 planets really working well, if i can figure out how to boost my economy a bit more. Perhaps going trade vessels on one or two ports.
Is what i am doing sound in theory? or if i start going higher in difficulties will glaring holes show up? Basically i am trying to learn the right way to do stuff, or at least the non noob way, so when i crank up the difficulty higher i am not stuck with tons of strats that all suck 
10, If i find challenging not so challenging, what difficulty should i try next? bump up one? or skip ahead? not sure how much it ramps.. so far i have not noticed a huge jump over the lower end ones..
11, I had thoughts of specializing worlds, Like research, or economy, or starship building, But i wonder if more balanced worlds are better. But perhaps a focus research world would be a good thing?
12, happiness buildings, do they effect the whole empire, or just the planet they are on?
that's all i can think of right off the top of my head.. and i will go back to my latest game.. One that i had just a single good planet to habitat near home, But 5 that need Terra-forming.. Lucky me 2 were aquatic, and my closest/first found neighbor were those guys that always have the aquatic planet tech. I think i made the right choice by trading Xeno research and Xeno economy, for Aquatic planet Terra-forming.. Costs were less to me, and i couldn't help notice them trying to settle on them both, as i was just a few turns quicker!.. I wonder if that will cause a divide between us. 
any help would be great..