I really have to give the FE Legendary Heroes art team a big pat on the back. I remember when Elemental was first in production and Mr. Wardell posted some journals explaining how he and his team wanted to make the franchise a showcase of what PC-only graphics can look like. Well, I think it is safe to say that his mission has been accomplished if this screenshot is any indication:

This was just a random screenshot I took in order to illustrate a point I was making about the gameplay. After taking it, I loaded up the screenie with the idea of cropping it and was just stunned by the tremendous amount of detail it contained! This is absolutely gorgeous! The detail on the horse armor is particularly impressive, as it the detail on the sentries in the tower, as well as the random civilians near the mine. Truly incredible!
Truth be told, it doesn't even look like a screenshot as much as it looks like an illustration from some long forgotten tome of medieval lore.
Which gave me an idea:
The screenshot as a sketch:

And I might use this one for wallpaper (some blurring and color-enhancing to give it a 'smoother' look):

It is a real shame that most players are so busy running their zoomed-out empires that they never take time to zoom in and see the artistic marvels of Legendary Heroes.
Lord, I can't wait to see GalCiv III...