Glad to know you think of me as a troll though
I don't think of you as simply associated yourself with the traits of the troll.
Anonymity is not 'just' the's the security of real-life connection between protagonists.
If the Internet were a boxing ring [physical, not social] there'd be a lot fewer battles.
Trolls feel 'safe' because of the implied sense of anonymity as well as the 'so what are they gonna do....I'm 1000s of miles away anyway?'.
They don't then just post a legitimate opinion....they exaggerate and go for the Jugular. They don't argue 'I believe you are wrong because....' unless the rest of the statement becomes ' are a fuck-wit'.
There has been a few occasions I can recall during my life on the net where trolls became genuine issues warranting real responses. Two were resolved once they were informed of 'we know where you live - desist or your teacher/boss will be informed' . Another was possibly down to my vehement stance re 'children' ridiculing the actions of another who had suicided [on Deviantart]. Things get quite REAL when you're contacted by the kid's parents thanking you for your support.
There IS NO place for trolling ... just as there IS NO place for bullying. Both are the actions of the pathetic and weak.
The ICQ logs relating to eFront were a classic case in point. The guys who ran that show were [to put it politely] bottom-feeders with particularly reprehensible 'ethics' [ie. none at all]. When the logs went public it spelled the end of them as a business. As I recall the police had 'a chat'.
When an issue is important enough....that 'anonymity' ceases to exist....