Awesome charts Valpheus. Thank You. (I don't know how I missed these before - back in July)!
Your charts also don't show the affects on ship build speeds. IMO, This is especially significant for Volcanos. Also, take note, and be careful about the factory speed reduction on Homes having many Social upgrades. And IMO, all cultural effects are insignificant. Its probably too late to add these figures?
Some quick conclusions (about the DLC upgrades) that I've drawn from these tables:
Again, all IMO (In My Opinion) -
A.) If you have trade, always get the first Industrial upgrade on Volcanos and maybe Asteroids. (Your best bang for your bucks).
B.) And 3 Industrial Ups on Volcanos are probably worth it. (Again see ship build speeds).
C). 3 Social Ups on Terrans (not Homes) are a good investment.