Now updated for LH 1.8 compatibility. Download here via Nexus.
Updated to version 1.8a, includes compatability with LH 1.8 as well as a number of bug fixes, enhancements and balance tweaks. See here for the full change log.
Key Features
- 4 new spellbooks (Nature, Shadow, Battle, Beast)
- Enhanced summoning mechanics with over 80 different creature to summon
- Religion mechanics including "Faith" resource, disciple units and divine spells
- 3 new paths (Summoner, Priest and Ranger) and an overhauled Mage class
- 15 new factions/races with unique blood types
- 40 new champions
Heavenfall – For the BG Unitstats library, a few bits from Children of Storm, some ideas borrowed from the Goetia Mod, the Cacus Giant, lots of invaluable advice and assistance regarding modding FE/LH. Go checkout Children of Storm if you haven't already (http://childrenofstorm.wikidot.com/).
Davrovana - Faction, Sovereign, Champion backstories.
Nightmurderer03 - Lots of ideas, unit designs, beta testing and feedback.
ManiiNames, NaytchSG – beta testing the early versions.
jeffqyzt2 – Champion backstories.
parrottmath – Maul debuff mod and his outstanding contribution to FE/LH modding.
DsRaider - Some faction traits, some bits from AIPlus, inspiration from his various great mods.
Primal_Savage - For the ClotheLootFix and lots of help with LH modding along the way.
OliverFA_306, GfireflyE, Murteas, Brainjuggler, Naidrev, LordTheRon (and lots of others) - for providing ideas, feedback and discussion which is invaluable when working on this stuff.
fsemprini – For the Summoner Path selection graphic.
brich1212 - for the original Ranger path mod.
Stardock - for an awesome game