This disgusting buff to vasiri has forced me to stop playing this game.... When last I played a couple months ago, I was completely dumbfounded, mouth-agape through the floor when the vasiri gave me a freaking 5 minute debuff on me 
Are the developers on crack???
Or are they simply favouring vasiri over the other races so much, they need to keep rendering the damn faction even more overpowered??? Or are the vasiri fans in this game applying alot of pressure for the devs to make them even more OP???
*shrugs then sighs* at this point I don't really care...
Iv almost lost interest in this game...unless they make a sins of a solar empire 2 that utilizes 64 bit platform game engine with 'real' multi-threading...I am tired of playing with only 15-20% of my gaming rig's power....the lag is horrible (even worse than batman arkham game which lags like crazy due to poor implementation of the game's design :0 )
all that power for nothing 
/signed, if its not too late