So we have one bad winter...and the world is ending ?
Yup, the 'hotter than Hell' alarmists want their cake and eat it too.... hotting up here and cooling down there... a little above average here and a little below average there. It's all the fault of greedy consumers and they shall pay... dearly!
The thing is, these weather patterns are nothing new. They are chronicled throughout the Bible, the Koran and ancient history, long before petrol driven cars and fossil fuel generators... unless all those chariots were in fact petrol driven and the horses were just for show. Anyway, let's forget about all that: "There's money to be made from our global warming conspiracy theories and we need to grab it fast... before we're proven to be total bullshit artists and 100% fechen liars."
Yup, the CEO of my electricity provider is laughing all the way to the bank. Before the company blamed the carbon tax and hiked up prices by 21% in 2011, he was on an annual salary of 27 mil... he's had 3 or 4 pay rises since then, and strangely, they seem to coincide with price increases, and he's now on 36 mil with share options and all the perks. Seems fair, he must bust his arse twice as much as the line erectors who risk their lives up power poles for 36 thou a year.
I just love it... the transparency that allows us to see what the top execs get. I now know which ones to make dolls of and stick pins in when I start practicing voodoo next month.