You may be in for more heat waves if you would believe this study:
In the article they concluded that El Ninos will occur more often sometime soon. But they couldn't conclude that from surface ocean temperatures, the models weren't conclusive about those. So they changed their definition of what constitutes an El Nino into episodes of intense precipitation over the ocean. In that way they could reach this conclusion.
Imho, such a study isn't even worth mentioning, yet it is presented like it's some huge result.
This one is pretty outrageous as well.
You know they actually write about some domino effect, starting with the biggest glacier and then leading to the collapse of the whole Antarctic ice sheet...
And they write it will happen "over time", which is really several thousand years or so. But they don't mention that, so you're led to think that such a thing might happen in your life time.
Why would they write such stuff? Is it to attract attention in order to get more page hits and earn more money?