This library mod is for other modders to include in their mods. There is no point downloading this on its own as a player.
LH UnitStat Background Mod v.M = LH 1.8
(not compatible with leader pack DLC)
As part of making the game have greater depth, which is the purpose of any mod, I will be releasing a UnitStat Background mod. The purpose of this library-type mod is to flag unittypes, items and traits with certain UnitStats that will allow the modders to identify them in various scenarios. It is a bit difficult to explain, so I will simply give an example: Imagine a dragon has UnitStat_BG_IsDragon = 1. Then we put this modifier on a weapon:
The result is a weapon that gains +10 accuracy whenever it attacks against a dragon. Voilá, a dragon-slaying weapon. Or a trait. Such UnitStats can also be referred to in Calculate tags in spells, for example to make a damage spell deal even more damage against a dragon.
Note that this mod will only function as a library of back-ground unitstats. It will be up to the modders to use the unitstats as they see fit.
This is my planned list of unitstats. Note that these unitstats will not have defaultvalue set to 0 for all units, they will simply have 0 by virtue of not having it.
Equipment UnitStats:
UnitStat_BG_IsUsingMount - 1 for mounted units, 0 for un-mounted units
Unit UnitStats: (stats marked ^ are given through traits to help players understand what is what)
UnitStat_BG_IsChampion - 1 for champions and sovereigns
UnitStat_BG_IsSovereign - 1 for sovereigns, 0 for others (note that everyone with IsSovereign also have IsChampion)
UnitStat_BG_IsMilitia^ - 1 for city militia, 0 for all others
UnitStat_BG_IsHumanoid - 1 for any unit that resembles a human in shape, not necessarily in size
UnitStat_BG_IsNotAlive^ - 1 for any unit that does not have blood pumping in its veins, is incapable of consuming nutrition, and is incapable of reproduction
UnitStat_BG_IsEmpire - 1 for sovereigns, champions and designed units from empire factions. 0 for others
UnitStat_BG_IsKingdom - 1 for sovereigns, champions and designed units from Kingdom factions. 0 for others
UnitStat_BG_IsRace_ - These unitstats are given to mark all champions, sovereigns and designed units from certain racetypes. These are the "races" that appear in Unit Details when you create a normal unit. The wildcard (*) is replaced by the name of the race as it appears in-game. The vanilla game contains 10 races that have the following names: Altarians, Mancers, Ironeers, Amarians, Tarthans, Krax, Wraiths, Trogs, Urxen, Quendar. For example, all of the race Altarians have UnitStat_BG_IsRace_Altarians = 1
UnitStat_BG_IsMonster - for all units considered monsters. Note that this applies to recruited monsters as well. Anything that is not humanoid is considered a monster.
UnitStat_BG_IsDragon - 1 for dragon monsters, 0 for others
UnitStat_BG_IsElemental - 1 for elementals, 0 for others
UnitStat_BG_IsBeast - 1 for beasts, 0 for others
UnitStat_BG_IsTwisted - 1 for Twisted creatures, 0 for others
UnitStat_BG_IsUndead - 1 for Undead creatures, 0 for others
UnitStat_BG_IsConstruct - 1 for construct creatures, 0 for others (basically golems)
UnitStat_BG_IsDemon^ - 1 for demons, 0 for others
UnitStat_BG_IsGod^ - 1 for the 5 elemental gods found in the wildlands and other godtype units at your discretion, 0 for others
UnitStat_BG_IsSummoned^ - 1 for units that are specifically summoned through magical spells, and NOT those trained. 0 for others
UnitStat_BG_IsImmortal^ - 1 for certain units that cannot die from old age. In the core game, these include: Titans, Dragons and Butchermen, Elemental gods (NOT all elementals!). 0 for all others. Keep in mind constructs are not immortal and may die from old age (they basically turn to dust after a few thousand years), but they are also UnitStat_BG_IsNotAlive^ 1.
UnitStat_BG_IsOversized^ - It is 1 for units that are substantially larger than a single human-sized mounted man. Note that this indicates that a singular unit of this sort is oversized - a unit does not become oversized if it goes from 1 to 9 members. Dragons, Giant Slags, Giant Drakes, elemental gods, and so on. It is 0 for all others.
UnitStat_BG_IsMale - 1 for units specifically marked male. 0 for others. Note: This is only applied to champions and sovereigns and troops. Practically noone else has a gender. It is perfectly possible for a unit to have 0 in both _IsMale and _IsFemale.
UnitStat_BG_IsFemale - 1 for units specifically marked female. 0 for others. Note: This is only applied to champions and sovereigns and troops. Practically noone else has a gender. It is perfectly possible for a unit to have 0 in both _IsMale and _IsFemale.
UnitStat_BG_IsFlying^ - 0 (default) = incapable of flight. 1 = Capable of Flying (does not need to be constantly flying)
Other Custom UnitStats:
UnitStat_BG_HasInjuries - 0 for all, each injury suffered by a champion adds +1. Note that there are many "flaws" that are NOT injuries. This tag is specifically for champion injuries suffered due to incapacitation in combat.
UnitStat_BG_Spellbooks - between 0 and 5, depending on how many spellbooks this champion/sov/unit has. It is enough to have rank 1 in a spellbook to get +1 in this unitstat.
UnitStat_BG_GreyMagic - Between 0 and 25+, depending on how many spelltraits this champion/sov/unit has. Each spelltrait adds 1, so a champion with Death2 Fire3 would have UnitStat_BG_GreyMagic = 5. Note that many (but not all) traits which unlock spells now grant Grey magic in LH.