I would wish to propose some changes/addons to tactical battles!
1: I strongly believe that terrain boni should be a thing! Giving hills/forest a mini "fortified" bonus should be fairly straighforward, and would add meaningfull content.
2: If a high enough wall is present, it could be very nice to have an autocast of "fortify tile" on either all friendly units, or let the player place several fortified tiles manually before battle.
3: The Swarm mechanic currently has some slight issues. I really like the fact that it gives boni to using units in a somewhat cohesive way, but it does led to very very rapid and instantly bloody outcomes if army lines clash. Would it be possibly to add a "defensive swarm" feature that gives the defender a defensive bonus for every unit friendly to the defender that either: A) Borders both the defending unit and the attacker or borders only the defending unit or C) borders only the defending unit and has spears/a trait that helps
4: Flanking damage could be implemented in the following way: The first attack received by a unit is always defined as the front, if further attacks come from the rear (hex diagnonally opposite of the hex you were initially attacked from) or the flanks (the two squares next to the "rear" square), this attacks get boni to crit chance or damage.