Giving some feedback on this, was a problem in FE too.
The treasury vault give you 1% on your total money, which doesn't seem much, but every turn you keep making more money. The problem is that in long games it soon creates virtually infinite money, taking away one layer of managment. Also, it benefits from city specific +%gildar bonuses, effectively being 2.5% interest with all the upgrades.
When you start snowballing those money, that 1% will give you far more than all your other cities combined, meaning I'm putting all my cities on producing mana/research, because I don't care about money anymore.
I'm now on turn 720 (1/4 of the turn limit) and even rushing every construction, upgrading every outpost, and having aggressive expansion and military wages I can't spend more than I make.
Here the situation on turn 720:

Suggestion: remove that 1% interest on your capital, and replace it with:
1. Huge bonus to the city % gildar
2. Small bonus to all the cities % gildar