1. Two tooltip errors, one on conquering the wildlands city, one on a item ("UnitStat_AIControlChance)

2. Don't know if this is a bug or intended behaviour. In the first turns, while still settling (I had first 2 citys up, really early in the game), out of the blue Emperor Kraxis declared war on me. I hadn't even met him yet. He just found my capital unguarded and stolen it without provocation.
Here the faction page when this happened, he didn't even seem that hostile to me.

3. This is not a bug, but I'd definetly call it an exploit, since in a couple of turns transformed my empire from whimpy low level heroes trying to defend my 4 cities from whimpy darklings into a warmongering superpower able to clear 2 wildlands.
I got the quest/random event that spawned Ongr the Unbound near my capital. He's a ogre with Schyte of the Void, does area attacks for 105 damage, and has maul. I kinda ingored him, no way to bring him down.
Later in the game I got another random quest to tame Ascian, the panther hero. The amethyst collar works also on ogres, so why not "tame" Ongr the Unbound? I did exactly that (he had 0% chance to resist), and I got this new super unit easily. That would be already overpowered, he alone is stronger than all my low level heroes.
The interesting part is that on my territory, I could "Upgrade unit count" for just 60 gildar, so I found myself with 3 Ongr the Unbound.
Oneshotting obsidian golems at low level is amusing, but a bit gamebreaking, not sure this should be intended behaviour.