No one proposed a library of additional stamps, a new map or scenario.
I tried, but the map making tool is tedious and confusing
Don't get me wrong. I really think that FE is among the best games of all times
It truly is amazing, and it is fairly "Mod-able", the problem is the amount of "Free-modding" (without learning coding and stuff) is limited down to what the developers thought were necessary, which means when a "Modder" gets an idea outside the box, he can't do it.
I under its hard to make a game freely moddable for people like me (Translated: Idiots) but FE kind of tried to market itself like that (How I understood it) and that is why people get a bone stuck in the throat when the expectations aren't met.
I can promise that every single person in this thread really like the game, and wants to praise Stardock for the vanilla experience, because if they didn't liked what they saw, they would not be hanging out on the forum, the fact that the forum have activity means that its a success to some extent, some people would praise the game, but still come here to talk about they're concerns.
Its hard for me to praise the game on a forum, praise from me often target my friends so they know what I have seen that I think is amazing, so they too can share the awesomeness.
Getting upset that people are talking "badly" or in a "negative tone" in here wont help, talking trash about the game wont work either, but I understand why Heavenfall is annoyed with the progression, because I feel the same way, I have seen several posts on the "Modding Sub-Forum" talking about issues with "Modding" which never even got replied to (by a Stardockian), and seeing lots of "Modding" ideas go down due to restrictions, month after month can take something off your bottle.
We ARE happy with the current perceived features, we just want those existing features to work correctly, predictably and consistently from one location, preferably the mod folder.
It is said several times, this is one of the major concerns in modding, if you want your modding to work from a mod-folder, make it work from there, or at least state when its going to be fixed or what is going to happen, people "waiting" for a fix gets tired of relying on a third party mod-manager when the game is supposed to manage mods...
Again, Stardock did not do anything wrong with the game-code here.
I understand that its tough, but it would be great if the Public Relations guy said "We are confused, please give us 6 months", just to set the expectations of the crowd to something realistic, we are fans, of course our expectations will hit the roof when clouds are all that's talked about.
In hindsight I think a non-moddable game would have a greater set of expectations come from "Modding", I see games with no mod support at all get tons of mods due to fans going banjo on the code, but when a game is "Half-Moddable" "Modders" instead go "Hey they made it easy for us", and then realise that what they intend to do is hard. It might sound counter-intuitive, but this pretty much stops "Modders" from going further.
Thank you Frogboy and team for this game and all the mod features you put in, I hope next time you make them more user friendly, if you need tips you can ask again and I hope me or someone with patience will write you a few notes about where and what you can improve.
Its always hard, especially for a "small" company to make a easily "Moddable" game on release to run perfect, and it probably will take a long time before the average mod would be at the scale of Heavenfall's mod, I just hope you continue when you write in new stuff, especially new features (The new swarm feature comes to mind) where, and how it should be "Moddable", I for one would love to see this feature only be active when the unit have a certain trait.
Also, note that even though "Modders" might be a minority, you also have to count in the people who would want to use those mods.
Hope this wall of text is readable and provides food for thought, enjoy or disregard 
~ Kongdej