So here is how the armor thing is going to work:
First, armor class will be divided by ship class, so for all intents armor type will be the ship class:
verylight = Light Fighter
light = Heavy Fighter
medium = Very Heavy Fighter/ Bomber
heavy = Freighters and other similar sized ships
veryheavy = Small capitals (like cruisers/destroyers and liners)
capitalship = Large capitals like Battleships
module = Stations and starbases
the basic idea, is that weapon type (ie antilight, antiheavy) will be able to hit everything above their class, and two levels underneath.
So antiverylight can hit everything, but will do little damage to larger classes as it is primarily for taking out light fighters.
antiheavy on the other hand cannot hit light fighters, these weapons are designed for hitting slower ships and the light fighter is too small, fast and manuverable for the weapons to get a lock. It can however still hit heavy fighters, and VH fighters as these ships are not as agile as the light fighters.
This is the method I am using to ensure that large battleship guns cannot hit smaller agile fighters (for balance and asthetics)