I hope it allows dynasties too, deep ones with many choices. I want my Sovereign to impregnate an Umberdroth. And then the child will be raised by his Umberdroth mother, but once he starts to grow up he will recognize that he different than all the other terrifying nation destroying beast the other umberdroths are. He will leave his mother to seek out who he really is. He will then move to the East Village to pursue his love of dance, art and the cello. People will tell him that he will never become a world class cellist, and most importantly he tells himself the same thing. But all that changes when he meets Ahadipooladipo, an Urxen young woman who is a free spirit and gives him the courage to reach for the stars.
I wont be happy until Stardock implements proper road building and also the ability to zone industrial, commercial or residential of the light, medium, or heavy variety.