From the post (no quote, as that just doesn't work right)
A playability glitch is hard to really classify. It's not a crash. It's some feature that doesn't work as you'd expect or as you would assume was intended. And if you play a game for hundreds of hours, they become maddening.
(bold by me)
This phrase caused me to assume that annoying design problems are fair game.
Remember, this isn't a feature request thread, it's a glitch fix thread. Things that you find frustrating (like path finding that takes a unit through the woods rather than taking the road).
Keeping the numbers from my former post, but extracting what I think are undisputably bugs.
1) Movement commands
My impression is that the displayed location of the mouse pointer and FE's idea of where it is can get out of sync.
This can be directly seen in some tactical battles, when the mouse pointer is outside the highlighted square. I have no idea how to cause this, but I have seen it several times in long game sessions.
I guess it is also responsible for the problems with moving near mountains (or even only hills) on the strategic map, mostly in the default view. The symptom is that I click on the tile just beside the army, and it goes off on a journey around the world. Since it happens much more rarely in a fully top-down perspective, I assume the game believes I have clicked on the mountain, which by the optical position of the mouse pointer I certainly have not.
The problem on the world map is a bit more common than in tactical, but still far from consistent - which makes it doubly annoying when it happens.
2) Loading
Additionally, it wastes a lot of memory (around 300M with a mostly explored large map, checked with 1.00), making the game crash after loading a few times.
And finally, there have been several reports that - at least sometimes - the AI gets to take an extra turn, and I also had that impression in a few cases where timing was critical. I guess the AI always gets an extra turn, but we players only notice that when we are in some kind of race and thus pay attention.
The first is certainly a bug, and I can't believe that the second is intended.
5) Pathfinding/moving along roads
Since it is not fully consistent, there has to be a bug in moving across non-hostile stacks.
Most of the time the moving army goes around the other stack, leaving the road. However, sometimes it manages to move through the other stack.
I'd prefer that a non-hostile stack is never an obstacle, but if you design it differently, it has to be consistent and should apply to the AI as well.
And yes, I've seen units turn into the woods without an discernible reason like you suggest, but it's rare enough that the surprise outweighs the annoyance. Still a fix would be nice 
Since I'm down to three points, I'll add another small bug, it just doesn't really annoy me because by now I expect it.
When a city's ZoC expands, the display on the map happens consistently one turn later. This can be recognized if a monster lair just got included: On the turn of expansion, you get the message that a lair is now in ZoC, but the graphical border is still too small to cover the lair. and only grows on the next turn.