In fact, I might just go revive an old beauty right now... well perhaps in a while... just for the hell of it... hehe.
And the more necrotic it is the better, me thinks. Hmmm, something from around when Moses was a lad. perhaps.
Or from when Noah was filling the Ark? Hehe, can't get more necro than that... unless yer wants ta go prehistoric.
There again, something from when Doc was a lad would be pretty ancient, dontcha think? Like the wheel had been invented by then... they just hadn't found a use for it, that's all.
It'd be pretty damned necro if we went back as far to when Jafo was a freckle-faced nipper with red hair and a tongue that hung out of his mouth with monotonous regularity each time he got excited. That trip from King Island to Melbourne was pretty exciting for him, which is probably why he can't remember that the flight was in fact by hot air balloon, not a Gooney Bird, as he so fondly but mistakenly remembers... because propellers for aircraft hadn't been invented as yet.
Then there's Uvah, he was around when God handed out the first dirt to farmers and told them to till the land.
And I, of course, was there when God turned on the lights, so I'm afraid, me old sunshine, you're gonna see some necro threads for a few years to come. But hey, there s one consolation! You won't have to go all the way to the Smithsonian Institute to read ancient scrolls... there'll be some here.