I was worried this might be the case. But then, do they really need more bonuses? The +100% Econ bonus combined with the hardcoded bonuses is already much more (point-wise) than any of the major races have.
I've already done away with the +100% econ bonus. To me this is just overkill. Surely, money is important esp. if you can't run your industry @ 100%, but later on, if their planets are crowded, then they will make so much surplus money... and basically bunker it just by quickbuying stuff. In such a situation, it would be better to rather raise spending etc. However, what's good for a general overall balance needs to be seen in a series of observant testplays, but first I need to to finish the individual minor techtrees.
The actual point is that distribution points can make a civ vary in appearance - sometimes strong, sometimes less etc that's actually what I'm aiming for. One way is to give all of them a different techtree, different SA, different racial design, even some completely new techs or buildings etc but all these things are fixed. That is, they are going to play out their game always the same... distribution points could help here... but when it doesn't work I can't help it either...
Actually, it's not. Just start a game without the Terrans and Drath (and maybe the Korx). If anyone gets bribed to declare war, then Manipulator is working.
Ah ok, thanks. But how do you observe that popup in a testplay? It's just there for the blink of an eye^^ Tough nevermind. I'm not going to use that SA anyway....
They can have an SA. However, I don't see much point in giving them Hive. The DL already seem to be able to build one factory per turn.
That's probably because they get +20k bcs/per turn as base income. So they simply quickbuy their improvements. However, I've also seen them slowly build out their factory worlds as well. I think this is related to the difficulty level. Usually the DL will quickbuy a small vessel as a defender and then build out their planet, once it's outbuild pump out ships. At that point their level of threat rises abnormaly.
If they would be hive they could probably finish 2 improvements per turn, one by buying & then one through social production. That might significantly reduce the time when they'll get dangerous... you see a common strat against them is simply to steamroll them as fast as possible. Such a change might be OP & frustrating for a player in the campaigns, but my mod is strictly for sandbox, ie. with DLs appearing only in an event.
Or maybe Warrior would also be quite beneficial to them! hmmm 
Thing is, what can we do about this? The Korath already have a higher pop-growth bonus than most races (+60% in AT, +50% in the CU), which gets even better with access to Fertility Acceleration and/or Aphrodisiac. This, combined with the high likelihood of 100% approval on the spored planets, will lead to a rapid re-population. Well, as rapid as it is possible with a starting population of 5 million. In AT, I've also managed to get the Korath to research Dark Influence and build the improvement. While the AI doesn't do it as well as I'd like, it is still an improvement over the CU (and even more so over the vanilla game). Still, all of this only mitigates the issue for the AI. It doesn't fix it. So, what possible actions are left?
Please correct me if I state something wrong, but it seems my current workfiles are a bit outdated (yeah it's a problem when constant updates are pushed...)
This is a very difficult question where there is no easy solution, esp. since solutions could be bifurcal, one ment for a player, other for the AI.
As I recall there are no Fertility Clinics in the game anymore - but this is exactly the no.1 needed improvement for a Korath player. Because even under 100% moral & good popgrowth these planets take like forever to grow into reasonable, self-sustaining levels. Problem here is that the AI doesn't use these clinics as a player could - filling the planet up with them & subsequently overbuild them. The Clinic has been thrown out via the argument that the AI uses it only sloppily, eg once planets are outgrown it looses its benefit & AI doesn't overbuild it. But still it could be of use when trooptransports leave, or planet survived an invasion.
Another good way for a Korath player is to ferry pop around directly into new worlds. As such, he could make good use of an enhanced Colony Pod (maybe cheaper & smaller in size) but the prob is that the AI is not going to use it. Maybe a more early access to the advanced troop pod & cost of invasion techs reduced. I always thought these were quite irrelevant to them, actually Planetary Defense, or say, defensive soldiering is more important to them. But they don't even have that branch....
The Korath don't have access to Fertility Acceleration which gives +25% popgrowth & +50% from Aphrodisiak. With this in mind I wouldn't say that their popgrowth is best, esp. not for a player that usually can rush to many trade goods/wonders (and keep them for himself). Nevertheless, 10-20% more or less don't mean much if a 0.05b planet is under influence threat of an outgrown planet in the same system^^. The problem with handing out popgrowth stats too freely is that this is going to have a too great effect on his colony upbuild during the colonial rush.
A better stat in that regard would be loyalty - because it doesn't give them extra money at all. Their techtree already hints via "Corrupted Genetics" that they might be loyal, but 10% is a mere drop of water on a hot stone. That could be increased safely I think.
Another approach would be to balance them via limited range. The idea is that they build Dark Influence on their inner core worlds, which emanate enough influence into space so that it can encompass newly spored worlds. The basic problem with DI is that you also can easily flip other planets and go for Cultural Win... so it might be a good idea to nerf their range so that their empire is more clumped together (so less flipping). However, rangemods are problematic because they are so tiny and can be stacked on cargos so there really not much limit on range right from turn1 on.
In my personal mod I've done away completely with these mods & give range only through techs. The game is more territorial then, also the AI can't take away all Resources (though he knows their place he can't reach them anymore) point is if starbases are outside his territory he will loose them anyway once wars break out. But I'm not suggesting the CU follows this as this is a major overhaul, just saying that there are solutions if you think outside the box... and while none of them is complete solution, they can, at least, when combined, mitigate some broken game mechanism.
No, this is due to the minors' tech tree problem. If there were at least two major races with Annihilator, then the minor would have the techs too.
I wasn't aware of this, but I'm not surprised by it. It seems to be an extension of the minors' tech tree problem.
Yes, you're right, that bug was also responsible for this. It stretches out in all directions.
Nevertheless, I think I have a solution to this, which could completely fix that techs are cutted out from the Minors & that some techs vanish after trade+reload. Further, no more duplicate Minor-techs, or duplicate improvements that hold the same internal name (just check PlanetImprovements.xml) would be necessary anymore.
The downside of it would be that the Asterix * you see beside an individual technology when techtrading would be gone. For all techs. No idea if that's acceptable at all....
But as of now, the Minors tree can still see tremendous harm, because, if someone plays a somewhat smallish game using more strange factions eg. Yor against Thalan... then no Minor would be able to upgrade their factories, moral, econ improvements etc. So they're stuck with Tier1, but being stuck at a sole planet actually their only way to make up in strength IS via upgrading buildings^^